Twitter (Part 1)



Twitter is a mugs game cc @myboyblue

Excuse me

So this didn’t happen?


Paddy Jackson made a bad mistake during the trial when he admitted that miming to rap was one of his hobbies.

So now he’ll just get called “the rapper Paddy Jackson”.

And there’s not a single thing he can do about it.

What’s your point here?

Was Aodhan’s missus involved with Mark Little in Storyful when he got the big pay off?

My point is you don’t seem to understand the difference between common law and statutory law, which is odd given you claim to be the legal expert of the forum.

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I do understand the difference. What was the point of your article when it didnt talk about prosecutions.

There have been successful prosecutions in Ireland, the Monica Leech one the most well known. I would imagine most are settled out of court, but to state the only criminal sanctions in the 2009 act is for blasphemy is simply incorrect. The fact certain offences were abolished under common law does not mean they cannot be prosecuted. Read the whole act.

Oh dear god

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This is going to be good, @artfoley who is qualified in the field of the discussion vs 2 guys that are incapable of backing downi


So you are arguing if say the Irish Independent published an article with the heading’The Rapist Paddy Jackson", they could not be prosecuted? I believe you are wrong in this regard.

Have you ever met two attorneys who agree? Their entire profession is based on not backing down, even when spectacularly wrong.

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Thanks for the running commentary.

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All this pissing and moaning from media over nothing, ffs.

There’s an online petition asking the IRFU to investigate all 4 men cleared of rape in a recent trial.

The IRFU released a statement yesterday that an investigation was already underway … But it would be tragic and i’m sure heartbreaking for the men themselves if Harrison and McIIroy are never allowed played for Ireland again. It will cut them up very deeply.


You can prosecute a civil case.

It’s semantics.