Twitter (Part 1)

I hope paddy Jackson cleans them out, its absolutely scandalous what is being said about him


The sort of moralaity based whispering campaign that besmirched the reputation of another great Irishman Charles Stewart Parnell.

Nothing at all about the complainant who called her sisterhood sluttish for taking selfies.

It’s a rebellion against how the system works for victims, you ignoramus.

Well good luck to them. There’s 60k+'trending on Twitter, the rallies have gone international.

We already pointed out rape trials have a higher rate of successful convictions than other trials.

6 counts. 11 jurors. 66 not guilty verdicts. A slam dunk of a decision by a jury who heard all the evidence. Accept the decision and move on.


Oh my god it’s trending on Twitter? Lock them up and throw away the key so.


Too many people thought they were fucking Rumpole of the Bailey while only hearing media snippets of what went on on trial. The verdict was unanimous and was a not guilty one. The “system” you’re referring to was in another country. You may as well try and rebel against the fucking O.J. Simpson not guilty verdict back in the 90s for all its worth.


I don’t have to accept anything.

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OJ was found guilty in a civil case taken by the family. The men on this thread are freaked. People are speaking out against a bullshit system and ye can’t handle it. :joy: anyway, deleting my account now, waste of time trying to talk to ye…and it’s more or less the same system for victims worldwide. Arsehole.

A rebellion :joy:

So complaintents should not face questions?



Burden of proof in a civil case isn’t half the weighting of a criminal o e you plank

What is bullshit about “beyond reasonable doubt”?

Have you done much reading on jurisprudence and law before your heavy Twitter reading of this trial?

I know hun, it means that they believe he did it, you’re so cranky now women are having a voice

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60k sausages hopping now!


There were 3 female jurors including the foreman. And a female judge.

Women have a voice but crying because the trial didn’t end the way you wanted it to is not a rebellion.

You’d swear this was the first rape case that has fucked over a woman. Time for change.

And Jackson will clean up in the slander trials. #Happy Paddys day

As I said already more rape trials end in conviction than other violent assault trials.

Anyway you have said you are leaving so we’ll leave it at that.

Hilarious. Let’s him take on the thousands of people lining the streets of Ireland today… hl​:joy::joy:

It’s not.

You clearly do not have the intelligence or the balance ir both to see this in either a legal or morally nuanced way.

People are protesting be are use these lads got off and they want them jailed.

It’s so fucking obvious now that people should be thankful there is a proper legal system.

It’s so so obvious to anyone with anyone bit of clarity that this happened anyone’s I suspected/had been told about anyone’s along. She started all ok, went with it for a while, McIlroy kinda fucked it up for everyone and afterwards she felt embarrassed. However that embarrassment multiplied with friends and family and they pushed out the boat.

She was not raped. She consented and it am pretty sure when she stopped consenting she left of her own accord.

I feel for her to some degree. It was just something that probably got and way from her and wand she could not stop it.

It it’s extremely good that girls cannot do this to guys just because they get embarrassed or could make a few bob or whatever.

That however is separate from the lads being arrogant idiots and there being a culture within rugby schools and even the IRFU that needs to be changed. I have listened to too many first hand tales of physical violence too women too not accept there is still massive issues with the Irish male psyche. Fucking huge issues.

But these lads as thick as they were do not deserve this.

And people like you disgust me with your anti men bullshit. We are not all weak, insecure, slightly mentally ill, unable to express ourselves morons. They is alot of us well able for life, making mistakes and treating women with respect and equality.

And another thing. For me equality is respect. It does have to mean exact same jobs or exact same roles in life. Men and women are unbelievably different. We have strengths and weaknesses either way. Feminism has gone too far and actually now has reduced the roles of women’s strengths. Biologically we run differently. To change that is like trying to change time itself.

Just fucking stop.