Twitter (Part 1)

Youā€™re in touch with the right man for this conundrum. @Tank is well versed with the intricacies of life and death in that neck of the woods.

Is tank Brazilian too

Wellā€¦ Not exactly but heā€™s given it a kind of quick dart. A flying visit to make a deposit.

A Gary Glitter arrangement?

Negative to that. Youā€™re beginning to lose the run here kiddo. Step back a while.

You seem wise, not like the codegreen boy, Iā€™ll heed you advice and sober up.

I found this mildly amusing


Iā€™m disgusted. I used to live in Streatham. Canā€™t believe weā€™ve let these lads get to us.

Sydenham went out and beat ye 3-1 to make matters worse. Rent free in yer heads

Seethingā€¦ Iā€™ll get my old yardie mates to sort em out.

Taff Goose the Gaffa (:sweat_smile:) put the seeth into the hounds and it fucked up their game plan

You need to let the Sydenham bypass

Adam seems like a right miserable fucker

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A first class twitter account

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Pyjamas and nightgown were a bold sartorial choice for the races on Mr. Keanā€™s part.

The bust to boom page is brilliant.