Twitter (Part 1)

Whatā€™s happening our city?

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Thatā€™s disgusting

Mcgregor sleeping rough

Ireland is full of toxic masculinity

Riddled with it


Ireland is also full of virtue signalling wankers.

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What does ā€œtsssdā€ actually mean?

Its sexual harassment

And gaslighters. And dog whistlers. Absolutely full of dog whistlers

A new thing young people are saying when a young wan has a fine arse.

Another thing passes me by.
Ape like behaviour by those involved, but the replies to the tweet are a bit cringey.
In truth, she has effectively tarred a lot of ā€œsportspeopleā€ here. If she felt threatened enough to tweet about it, she should name the person involved

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Yeah - on the one hand she is showing the world how she and all women are victims - and on the other she is telling the world that she is clearly a rideā€¦ you cant be up to these women folkā€¦

They wear loose tops so youā€™ll look at their tits and when they catch you looking they scream that youā€™re a pervertā€¦


Says on her profile that sheā€™s a camogie player. Not sure if that correlates with fine arses

Would be gas if the cheque was made out to liam.

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Iā€™m guessing itā€™s like a noise a lion or tiger might make to mark their territory or something.


Some people just wonā€™t let others live their lives without annoying them. Whether itā€™s this lady being accosted, people protesting outside hospitals about women having medical procedures or cavemen feeling threatened about the LGBTQ community celebrating their identity.

The common denominator here is right wingers and kleptocracy and @anon26343222.


You have had a very angry few days in here. Looking for conflict

All ok mate?


An awful lot of Oirish lads dont have any idea how to deal with women. Most of them would piss their pants if they were left alone with a strong woman and had to make conversation with her.

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@anon26343222 was exactly who I thought of here as well ā€¦ haranguing some poor girl walking down the streetā€¦ whistling and cat callingat her ā€¦ if the girl smiled in anyway then heā€™d be calling her a slut and a whore.

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Is that why you pay for them yourself mate?

Whats wrong with paying for them sure havent you done it yourself?