Twitter (Part 1)

Yea I did, when I was 21 … I matured thankfully and learned to respect women and I suppose more importantly, respect myself … some lads never develop i suppose and like the power of controlling women.

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Fair play, mate. You me Wayne Rooney a little bit.

If you’re the same man in your 30s/40s/50s as you were when you were 21, what have you learned mate?

It’s the noise you make when you can’t whistle

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absolutely true which is the point i was making, Oirish lads cant handle women so try to control them from a distance.

well done by the way on only fucking just the one prostitute, you should be proud of yourself.



That age is only a number.

What is “ cat called” ?

Is @anon26343222 a sport star?

In his own head, yes.

It’s when you go up to a woman and go pssssshhhhhh wssssshhhhh wsssssssshhhhh like you would if you were calling a cat


Sexual harassment

You should reply to his tweet with…

Like you Aodhain, I believe her.

What should one do when faced with such a situation? (just asking for a friend)

All middling.
Point here being that it’s absolutely right to call this out. No lass should feel threatened by three apes in a car, but she should name the person involved, otherwise she’s not really calling it out.


Can she be certain it was herself they were “cat calling” ?

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She is cos she was the only ride around when it happened

Under the rules of trial by social media, that is not necessary. If she said it, it happened.

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I’m sure the bould Chinner knows a business or two that would still cash it for him

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