Twitter (Part 1)

A lad on now about being slapped on the arse in the pub when he was trying to have a quiet pint. :slight_smile:

Gur up outta that

I was once whistled at.

It was very upsetting.

Look, ok ā€¦ I cant keep it in any longer ā€¦ I looked at a womanā€™s diddys yesterday when she bent over to rub Bradyā€¦iā€™m sorry.


Ya pig. Bet Brady loved the rub. :slight_smile:

Itā€™s been eating me up all night/day ā€” Iā€™m part of the toxic masculinity culture thatā€™s rampant in Irelandā€¦

This Ryan chap thinks he should be allowed slap women on the arse as ā€œitā€™s a complimentā€ yet he says he feels threatened by women :laughing:

I hope Ryanair deny them boarding, holy fuck


Underrated post

Thatā€™s a reflex mate, donā€™t sweat it

Were you known to the victim ?

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I donā€™t think you have a future on the internet after this mate. Youā€™re a sexual predator and you need to resign

Youā€™d need your head examined to be looking at the cleavage wimmin have on display these days.

Matt and Ivan will be discussing this on their show tonight.

Sinead ( who I like ) is milking this .

True story

On May 12, 2007 at about 5am or shortly afterwards I was part of a group of people walking up Lower Grafton Street after a well known open air social event

It had sort of started to get bright

The group was sort of split into two with a few lads walking about 15 yards ahead of the mini-group including me

The mini-group ahead was made up of lads with, shall I say, issues about women - at least two were very conservative Catholics but also tended to be aggressive and verbally abusive towards women when drunk, and though I knew them well enough, I was wary of them

I havenā€™t talked to either since 2008 but knowing their character it would not surprise me if they each now operated several right wing troll Twitter accounts

Anyway, there was a group of women standing around talking next to a shop shutter at the top of Lower Grafton Street, just below where Boylesports is now

Iā€™m pretty sure one of them was Sinead Oā€™Carroll, certainly the group was made up of her close circle of friends, one of whom I was an acquaintance with and liked, especially as a couple of months earlier she had approached me out of the blue in a late bar to tell me she had wanted to talk to me for years (we previously only knew each other to see) - I had wanted to talk to her for around the same amount of time too

Up ahead, the two conservative Catholic lads and I think another lad started shouting abuse at Oā€™Carrollā€™s group for no reason, calling them ā€œslutsā€ and ā€œwhoresā€ etc. but the main focus of the abuse was my acquaintance, which made me very annoyed

I saw this and had to walk quickly up to them and move them on down Nassau Street

I texted my acquaintance to apologise for their behaviour but got no reply

I donā€™t think our paths ever crossed again after that

Which I was a bit sad about


Sheā€™s getting no support from two bints on Matt Cooper. Snowflake Cooper is bulling.

I havenā€™t the interest reading this but I can say TNH


Most of my stories are only 90% true but I added the extra 10% in this case because of the seriousness of the issue

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The panel was obviously full of right wing fascists.