Twitter (Part 1)

This 75 year old lady was chastised for making similar comments

You sided with the right wing catholic wolf whistlers and are trying to come to terms with it by dressing it up as virtue?

Which line and which words gave you that idea, pal

You may quote if necessary with your explanation

If I was being charitable I’d say you had a chance and you fucked it up. We’ve all been there.

They will sign a bill into law after summer recess to make wolf whistling a crime.

Sounds like Sinead needs to get over herself.


A good TNH is how and when you use it — you failed miserably there.

Can anyone inform me as to exactly who this Sinead lady is, how does she have such a high profile?

I took a 9 day break from here a couple of weeks back and it was the greatest 9 days of my life … the last 2 weeks since i’ve returned have been the best 2 weeks of my life.


cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

The deck of cards is tumbling down.

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and @Tim_Riggins will be delighted to be on the same side as Gemma here

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The Gaa was being run by British spies during the troubles

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Were they taking time off?


Gemtrails’ Alcohol Addiction?

They had the correct spelling right there in the fucking photo :smile:

Who is running that shit show?

As Ronan McCarthy would say, they need to take the handbrake off

Some bird

I wouldn’t let Ronan McCarthy park a bus on the Cliffs of Moher.