Twitter (Part 1)

He should have told her it was a zucchini

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Suspicions confirmed.

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:smile: that guy, he never misses an open goal tbf.

Freedom fries again ?

Smashing thread

The stupid cunt is a teetotaller


There should be a digital tax put on his tweets


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Not just regarding alcohol but in golf as well, heā€™s well known for fresh airing his drives

Lolz. Iā€™ve heard that ludicrous nonsense somewhere before.

Ah jesus.

Baltimore has four of the top ten most dangerous and violent neighborhoods in the US. This is obviously Trumpā€™s fault and not local politicians who have watched the city decay for decades. Democrats dominate all levels of government in Baltimore and have done for 150 years. There hasnā€™t been a Republican on the city council since 1939

ā€¦ but Republicans.


Baltimore doesnā€™t really exist mate, itā€™s just a tv show

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You canā€™t talk to lads on hereā€¦theyve seen the Wire so know it all.

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Is Senator Clay Davis based on this Cummings lad?

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