Twitter (Part 1)

Nothing really too juicy thought other than saying the guy is a cunt.

What does “very liberal” mean I wonder?

More woke than you.

I’m pretty woke mate.

Very few people resign by screaming that their boss is a cunt through a megaphone. I like it. And he’ll have guaranteed himself a job in some ngo/charity with his carry on.

Definitely not as many people as thought about it anyway :joy:

Any links to articles where he was criticizing the government and putting heat on his wife, kid and pug?

Are his wife and pug separate identities?

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I wonder what Liz Wahl is up to these days

Signed off by @ ing his own twitter account. Gas.

Trivia: Will Hurd is the only black Republican in the House of Representatives and one of only four Republicans out of 191 to condemn Trump’s racist tweets

Dark forces are after Ewan.
He needs to lie low for a bit. Maybe seek asylum somewhere?

He could always hide in Athy, no one will go looking there for him.

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They definitely will come for him though. It’s only a matter of time

the men in white coats??

It’s no wonder violence erupts at taxi ranks. Communists and trade unionists are always first in the queue

A LinkedIn taken from twitter.

He could shack up with Fergus