Twitter (Part 1)

Vincent’s vs Dungarvan in a Challenge game supposedly…

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That’s in Kieran’s is it?

The colours look right for Vincent’s

Paddy Curran giving a hospital pass there

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Tom Humphries put on a bit of weight while in prison

I’m led to believe the keeper is a son of Vinny Murphy. Some size of a young lad.

How old is this young lad. He looks morbidly obese. He would want to be careful with that amount of weight on him.

It was a nifty bit of keeping. He was freakishly light on his feet, and a nice wristy swing. Bet he can hit the ball half a mile.

Careful now, you don’t want to be accused of fat shaming.

Well you certainly wouldn’t be asking Ruth for that arrangement.


Friend of Ireland and Independence movements everywhere doing his bit for the local community.
@Sidney will no doubt continue to cast aspersions on this mans character.


That’s surely a piss take

Made by Sandy Hook parents. It’s powerful stuff.



What to do though? Taking back guns is pure fantasy, they’re out there.

Id suggest a hard take on the well regulated militia’ part of 2A. Make firearms training mandatory, and set up local groups where this is carried out. At these spend a lot of time on counseling, mental health issues etc giving helpline numbers but also emphasising the camaraderie of the training classes, hold competitions, buddy lads up. The isolation and lack of hope is a huge factor in driving these shooters away from reality.


You’d be concerned for @anon7035031 sometimes, living in such a Godless hellhole.

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Make it compulsory for every yank to bear arms. That’ll sort it one way or the other.
An armed society is a polite society


Something like that is sadly long over due.