Twitter (Part 1)

You’d want your head examined to raise your kids in america today.

Christ, the end of that is a hard watch

Especially when it must have happened, and more than once.

Any suggestions on what to do or is it thoughts and prayers?

True freedom is the freedom of an eight year old girl to scramble through a blood stained corridor so she can cower uncontrollably in a broom cupboard and hope to go unspotted, as a man firing an AR-15 blows the heads off her classmates and teachers for kicks

Well regulated militia

Go Trump

Voting in about 400 politicians with similar views to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar would be a start

Stop selling guns - offer an amnesty and that guns be brought in for destruction ---- granted a lot of guns still remain on the streets but the cost of them will sky rocket on the black markets so that the average nutter wont have the contacts or cash to get their hands on them … it will drive guns to be solely in the hands of hardened criminals who have no interest in mass shootings - just killing each other.

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Repeal the second amendment? That’s not realistic bro

regulate the militias

Do you think society has moved on since the 1790s ? Or should laws remain as they are forever ?

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From Wikipedia

They’ve more guns than people in the US

Gun ownership is the act of owning a gun. In 2018, Small Arms Survey reported that there are over one billion small arms distributed globally, of which 857 million (about 85 percent) are in civilian hands.[1][2]The Small Arms Survey stated that U.S. civilians alone account for 393 million (about 46 percent) of the worldwide total of civilian held firearms.[2] This amounts to “120.5 firearms for every 100 residents.”[2]

Of course it has but there is no chance of a complete repeal of that. None. So no offence, and your logic in the rest of the post is solid, but thats not gonna help. Notwithstanding the amount of guns already out there.

If Americans are not willing to tackle outdated laws that are causing serious harm to their society then they deserve everything they get. It’s as simple as that … there’s a very powerful and wealthy lobby buying off legislators - the world knows this is the problem - but if the population are not willing to tackle this then they can have no complaints.

But most if not all countries allow gun possession. An outright ban goes way beyond tackling and given the peculiar place gun ownership has in the Americas psyche a ban is a total non runner. So not much help now.

But assault rifles etc large capacity magazines can be banned as a start

Guns don’t kill people, fruity e-cigarettes do


It goes without saying hunting guns will still exist - laws can tighten around ownership — mass shootings are not being carried out with these …

As I said, until the majority of Americans demand action they can have no sympathy for themselves … it’s a country that values dollars over life - that’s really what’s at the heart of it — big business will always win out against people’s lives because that’s how America works - it’s rotten to its very core.

The business of America is corporate dominance through brainwashing with propaganda

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The heart of that is that people are so under the pump with their own lives and the stresses of low income, no healthcare, addiction issues atc that getting involved in politics is too out of reach and time consuming for many. Some will vote trump to try and take a wrecking ball to their broken system, others bernie but its voter apathy thats the killer as that allows politicians stay in the pockets of interest groups.

But thats all very theoretical and doesnt help the next school in the crosshairs. Widespread mental health help might but large parts of America are fucked, infrastructure, housing etc in a terrible way, helath care needs won’t be prioritized.

So if people had better health care and better basic state provided services society would be better and the real problems inflicting pain on people can then be tackled? Be very careful here now, you might be branded a communist