Twitter (Part 1)

Well definitely better mental health care.

Im a total commie bro. The state should provide everyone with housing, clothing, food, education and healthcare. But not with the funds for sky sports and a trip to santa ponsa.

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I think the state could provide those- but, not for free - the beneficiaries should pay for them through service to their community ā€” you get a house - great, in return we simply ask that for 6 months of the year, broken up to suit your timetable, you provide 2-4 hours a week to one of our many community projects that we have - visit the old, volunteer with children, clean the streets, ornaize an event etc. etc etc.

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Good point. And ive made it here before. Get people organised even for a few hours a week where they have to make themselves presentable, turn up, and contribute something. And point out that this contribution got them their house etc. They all of a sudden take great pride in it and themselves.their self worth goes through the roof as they see the value of some work. (which there is, but not in 10 hour days at a multinational, the continentals have it cracked) If the hours could be used for socially uplifting work like you suggest all the better.


Exactly - give someone something for free and they will have no respect for it or that others around them work hard to pay for the same thingā€¦ put the onus on building communities ā€” but the problem in the countries like the US is that people then become organized ā€” the US spent the 30s through to the 70s smashing any kind of institution that organized the average working man.

Theyve always smashed them. Did you ever read a peopleā€™s history of the United States by Howard Zinn?

Now hereā€™s a controversial point, and i make it from the position of having no children myself. Should stay at home parents have to contribute more to society? Nearly impossible timewise for a single mother of course. But is having and caring for children not a personal choice, its not like theres a population shortage.

Children are the future bro ā€” if we all stopped having kids where would we be? - Countries like Japan are in crisis because women are now choosing careers over kids - massive age gap coming which will lead to a massive shortage of people to work and pay tax and all the rest. Europe is starting to experience the same - Germany solved this by bringing in refugees and the likes, then we get a whole pile of other problems with thatā€¦ the issue is not having kids and being stay at home, itā€™s being educated properly on rearing kids that will allow them to contribute positively to society later.


But the worlds population is spiralling upwards? Theres plenty of childeren. But yes educating kids to be lil gretas seems key. Hard though, if you have a kid whos a tearaway, out on his quad bike every evening terrorising folk, or in front of fortnite 18 hours a day, what can you do. You canā€™t bate a bit of sense in to them any more and theres fuck all help from government agencies

India, china and the likes are accounting for most of that ā€¦ Europe is the opposite - no one is having kids in Italy or Spain or Germany ā€¦ Japan is fucked.

Anyway, that brings us back to the state providing services argument ā€¦

Ah fuck it, just give everyone a gun.

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And a bottle of whiskey?

Youā€™ll need a firearm when some gimp in a Munster tracksuit comes calling in 16 years. Donā€™t knock em.

You really know how to trigger a guy ā€¦

If Americans really want gun reform they need to setup an anti gun lobby with more money than the NRA and bribe the politicians to do the right thing. Thatā€™s how the US works these days


When there wasnā€™t the political will after sandy hook, there never will be. Not for this generation.

Americans have the country that they deserve.

Ewan having an interesting debate at the moment about the Haka. One of core points to his argument is that it is ridiculous that the white players do it and that this is insulting towards the Maori people who are disgusted about it due to hiw poorly they were treated by the white folk in the past.

He was then engaged on the topic by what appears to be a Maori lady who has told him that (i) Maori people dont find it insulting and it in fact has helped repair relations (ii) many of the white folk doing it are in fact Maori.

Ewan didnā€™t seem to believe the latter point and asked her to name one. She named about 5 current and recent all blacks anyway. She also advised that her husband is a Maori, and he is white with blond hair.

Iā€™m not sure Ewan is convinced. An interesting debate on a topic I know little about.

Dan is quare obsessed with Ewan


Seems a nonsense argument from his side. Maori are the only indigenous race in the world that have successfully integrated into the modern culture. The respect goes both ways. Itā€™s the complete opposite of what happened with Aboriginals or native Indians. Most New Zealanders appear proud of their Maori culture regardless of their colour or background.

I donā€™t know very much about it. Not sure where Ewan expertise on the matter has come from. But he is adamant he is right anyway :man_shrugging:

Just unfollow the wanker ā€” heā€™s a bad wumā€¦ and heā€™s always having a dig at rubby, the prick.

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I think he is the most interesting account on twitter. Sometimes good to read things you mightnt agree with.

A lot of my caution around our RWC prospects stems from his wise counsel