Twitter (Part 1)

These guys have written one of the greatest lyrics ever in Irish.
‘Brisim achainn fuckin riail seachas caol le caol’


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Cool story. Be nice if it was true

Wouldn’t they all

Shameful from @Sandymount_Red

Throw up the clip from post game where the Bohs fans are singing “Stand up for our Rovers friends, Stand up for our Rovers friends.” Great respect between the fans, you really love to see it.



Tracksuit central :grinning:

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Jock knew

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Huns always hurt young boys


I would


There was a great interview in the Sindo Life magazine or one of those a few year back with Gerald.

He suggested they meet in some high faluting restaurant for lunch. Journalist rang the restaurant who said they don’t open for lunch. Gerald tells the reporter to call them back and tell them it is for Gerald Keane, the restaurant says they still don’t open for lunch :rofl:


Don’t worry Gerald. The sun will come up again.
