Twitter (Part 1)

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Oh my.

Jaysus that says it all really

I think the restaurant was Dax?

Here it is :grinning:

As always, Gerald Kean is in ebullient form, showering compliments like confetti over the waiter and me. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find anyone in Dublin who has seen him any other way.

We had originally planned to meet in Dax restaurant, close to his office, but the opening hours didn’t quite fit his schedule so I inform the PR woman that we will have to pick an alternative venue.

She replies some time later to say that Gerald says “Dax will open for him”. So I put in a call and drop his name. Unfortunately, they won’t.


Top top banter

@Bandage @Spidey @TheUlteriorMotive @Big_Dan_Campbell



Good on em


He does my fucking head in

Pat Linders. One of the good guys

Better giving them to the likes of Irish athletes and Olympians than some fucking gowls who get them. Fair play. I remember Thomas Barr had to beg for a car on social media not so long ago too. Pitiful.

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He’s a fucking dose.

I challenged him before when he was waffling about parents putting pressure on kids to win
 And that little Jessica/Johnny just want to have fun.

In my experience, parents have little input into it
 The vast majority couldn’t give a fuck. The kids give a fuck though, the bunch of U8s I coach want to win and they’ll keep score too
 Kids are naturally compeditive.


A genetic and cultural hatred of Gort will do wonders for a child’s development.


I doubt they have to go as far as Gort to discover their inner seethe.

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The Buff would surely get one if he asked.Im surprised the likes of Adam’s haven’t thrown him and auld Megane or something at this stage.

its hilarious at the go games; all the adults are saying “well done everyone, and its the taking part” and all the kids will be saying who won and there’ll always be at least one or two of them that have been keeping score


If only all the parents were thus

they are in SoCoDu