Twitter (Part 1)


If it tastes to much time and isnā€™t enjoyable are they really stupid to keep doing it?

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Des calling out those clowns at sky

Virtue Signalling at its best.

Des would shit the bed if someone was in
his ear & blurt out literally anything they told him.

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What was said?

How long did it take him to come up with that drivel

Gary Neville is an alright sort.

Iā€™d say Gary has one eye on the CEO of the premier leagues job followed by a run at prime minister, heā€™s a sneaky one is mr Neville


The site is much diminished without HBV


Big day on Twitter the Ewanies are out

Youā€™re not stupid enough to think thatā€™s the same person are you?

The word ā€œalternativeā€ always whiffs of desperation

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I never said that

This is true.

This site is much diminished without a lot of people. But fuck them if they canā€™t have manners. This site doesnā€™t exist without the kindness of a few people. Some people forget that very quickly.

Fuck em.


The first comment :rofl:

What a cunt