Twitter (Part 1)

So class.

Sheldon would fit in well around here.

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Bertie & Arlene dominating the twitterwaves this morning. It’s going to be a crazy Christmas.

Corbyn’s legacy is that he was 100% right on Iraq and he was 100% right on Ireland in the face of adversity and public opinion. As a politician Corbyn was brave and genuine, yet people like @flattythehurdler have a bizarre hatred of the man and would rather racists and war criminals take the highest office in the country he lives in.


That’s part of his legacy. The other, most important part, is that he ignored the biggest issue Britain has faced in 50 years. Ignored itand refused to take a position for over 2 years. He neutered the opposition.


Spot on

He did take a position

Your problem with it appears to be that you didn’t agree with the position

Yet you refuse to give an opinion as regards what you think he should have done

That’s the least one would expect from somebody throwing stones

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You are mak8ng things up again. He refused for 2 years to say whether he backed a second referendum. His ‘position’ was formulated not long before his disastrous election campaign.

I refuse to say whether I agree? Bizarre statement. You never asked. Probably because you were busy shaking your fists at the clouds. I disagree. I think Labour should have been campaigning for a second referendum long ago based on the fact that people didn’t know what they were voting on the first time.

But Labour did have a position

You said they didn’t

Now you admit they did, ie. you admit you were wrong


No. I said they didn’t have a position for two years. I was quite clear. He refused to say whether he’d back a second referendum. I.e. he refused to take a position. Now get back to them clouds.

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They did have a position though

They’ve always had a position

That the position changed between 2017 and 2019 doesn’t mean they didn’t have a position at any time in between

They always did

Remaining neutral is a position

You were wrong

This is a simple matter of fact

Rise. Life is in motion. I’m stuck in line.
Rise. You can’t be neutral on a moving train.



Or some priest wants to go out in a blaze of glory

Priest on the sauce shocker.

Why would she go to mass?

To feel superior

The local priest at my in laws used the Christmas eve sermon to compare the American and Australian super farms where they just shoot new born calves that aren’t wanted with the new abortion regime in Ireland.


I’m surprised someone that woke is going to mass in the first place

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Oh she’s already been cuntsplaining