Twitter (Part 1)

Imagine reading out a tweet to your family on xmas day.Fuckin loser


When I read shit like that I feel like an alien

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The poor father having to listen to that shit

Am I the only one that thinks he’s taking the piss?

This is what you’re deaing with


Imagine spending your Christmas getting extremely annoyed at random humdrum tweets by some person with a liberal social attitude



the rural right wing crew are in a constant state of outrage


I see @dodgy_keeper is on twitter

Twitter - Back Away Quickly

Modern men eh!! Lazy cunt will tweet til the cows come home but won’t unplug a few lights :tired_face:

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I put up hape of extra lights this year as a fuck you to the save the planet mob.

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Sinead is an alright sort. Played camogie with Kildare and a big Winter Olympics fan.


What does that mean?


The time to attack these pagans is on a sunday . They don’t have a leg to fucking stand on . You’ll have the mass got and the lamb cooked and ready to go. Seriously telling good honest catholic church goers about reform .

Is that something dirty?

[quote=“corner_back, post:5283, topic:8363, full:true”]
Sinead is an alright sort. Played camogie with Kildare and a big Winter Olympics fan.

what a vile thing to say

Big Liverpool fan. It will drive the usual suspects absolutely demented. They’ll be spamming her twitter with late 90s French cultural references thinking it’s great gas altogether.

a big Liverpool fan in that she goes to every home & away game or a big Liverpool fan like @tazdedub?


What are her views on Firmino?

Strange she never mentions it

Look at ya tagging me all over the place. Living rent free in your head. It is driving you nuts. Can’t wait for the meltdown.

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