Twitter (Part 1)

Anything more about the “sports star” that wolf whistled this one earlier this year ??

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Herself and @anon61878697 would be well met

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Sinead could start appearing in the “people who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole” thread.

Mass as a social activity on Christmas Day. :smile:

Yeah, really sticking to your guns there and giving the church both barrels.


Sinead has whipped the usual suspects into a frenzy of anger and fake victimhood, and I emphasise the use of the word suspects

Job done

Sinead 1 Suspects 0


They’re reeling. The same fellas every time…

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I bet he was at mass yesterday himself. Christ our saviour is born.

Wtf? Did you hear this in a film or something?

Was she in Bewitched?

I want you to use this word more in 2020.

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Let’s make 2020 the year of the cuntsplain


It won’t be, it’s not as if you have the meagre intellectual capacity needed to explain anything

Is he a vegetarian?

Sinead looks like she’s made of two different heads divided vertically and randomly stuck together.

To complete the Did Not Happen Nature of this , it finishes with an “everyone clapped” finale.


I like it

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Has anyone ever been in a situation where people randomly applauded? I’d imagine one of the other social mass goers maybe giggled and Sinead took this as a standing ovation

Who the fuck is she anyway?

Sinead is the politics editor at She never said there was a standing ovation and I’m fairly sure she’s telling the truth. Rounds of applause at the end of the Christmas sermon would be common enough.

I doubt she’s making this up.

That cunt’s lying.


Sinead is Trinity educated and very smart

I once told a true story on this forum in which she was involved and unsurprisingly it involved backwoodsmen being triggered by her very existence