Twitter (Part 1)

Das very good

He’s a bit cracked, is he?

Right, who was it?

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Ok, I liked that but Yoko was Japanese.

I read in a biography of John Lennon that he used to call Yoko’s sister’s young daughters The Japanieces.

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Tony Cas :clap:

Is that Elton Welsby commentating @mickee321?

This is class This is amazing!! Surely this is world class?! :star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:


That gives “swinging the tackie” a whole new meaning.

What the fuck is that?

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Who is that slapper?

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Without checking I’d say she’s a member of some sort of vegan climate cyclist party

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Put it away luv

She looks like she’s just been banged over a wheelie bin.

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That’s actually just what she looks like :joy:

cc @Fagan_ODowd @anon67715551


These are the suggestions you get when children enter politics.