Twitter (Part 1)

More like something a senile grandfather would do, changing the will without the knowledge of the kids.


There was an auld brother and sister, neither of whom married, living in my street growing up. They both lived well into their 80s and left the house to the local church. A mighty sound gesture.

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Some demand for social housing in Achill Iā€™d say


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Call me old fashioned, but Iā€™d prefer if the people who are running the country werenā€™t the types who would paint their faces.


Or write love letters to Kylie Minogue.


What about for camouflage purposes?


Ah lovely :clap:
If that doesnā€™t get a nice post Iā€™ll consider rebranding as Sammy Wilson or Henry shefflin

Is that a bit like leaving it to charity?


who mentioned SOCIAL HOUSING?

are you in the same decade as @TheUlteriorMotive

I found this interesting


James woods is back and all is right with the world

Dunning-Kruger effect cc @anon60384913

Are you still seething after you made a complete tit out of yourself after claiming 5 out of 7 premier leagues is very poor?

The first one is bang onā€¦ TFK suffers in a big way from this. The likes of @Raylan, @maroonandwhite and @carryharry and right wing loon balls in general can not see the bigger picture on most issues and reduce everything to a single cause to suit their narrative of hate.

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Were you not able to read past the first one? Hereā€™s a few to chew on

Wasnt tocqueville a big advocate of American Democracy ? - the one that supported slavery, excluded natives and men of no property and women?

Whataboutery from centuries agoā€¦ Can you debate the point?

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The point ? A man advocating/ living in a time of very limited democracy - limited to rich , white , men ā€” stuck in a little clause that said - even though we now give slaves more water breaks and better food, theyā€™ll still be unhappy and will some day look to end slavery, the bastardsā€¦

If living standards rise, then they rise for everyone, not just the bottom - thus, inequality still exists in a capitalist society (not that iā€™m advocating against capitalism) and power / wealth remains in the hands of the few - telling someone on minimum wage - If you had lived 100 years ago youā€™d be dead down a mine by now - means fuck all to the here and now. People live their lives in the context of the issues they have to deal with in the present.

Whatā€™s being confused here is living standards and equality - inequality fuels many of lifeā€™s social problems which brings us right back to Causal Reductionism.