Twitter (Part 1)

What system is better equipped to combat inequality so?

Bro - if I knew that iā€™d be the million dollar man .

A more regulated form of capitalism for sure ---- we have a handful of people now controlling 90% of the worlds wealth - I dont think i need to argue against that here.

When I argue for more government intervention in tackling social issues iā€™m not admonishing personal responsibility, far from it. But, When talking about poverty you have to accept that in nearly all cases itā€™s a cycle and very rarely does someone born into poverty pull themselves out of it without a good carrot. While people are responsible for their personal choices and decisions they make, if a kid is born into welfare, crime, segregation and being stigmatized by the rest of society, around drugs, violence ā€¦ where do we think a kid from this background is gonna land later in life? Thereā€™s all kinds of factors at play in why any of us do what we do - our responses have little to do with free will and more to do with conditioning.

So while someone on welfare today is living the life of Reilly compared to a peasant in the 19th century - he wont be comparing himself to the peasant from 200 years ago - it will be against the middle/ upper class of today.
I dont believe in giving handouts or a free ride - but getting bent out of shape at people caught up in a cycle of poverty isnt the answer either, and thatā€™s not excusing long term welfare or criminal activity - I believe education is a tool that we need to use more ā€“ whatā€™s the point in going into schools in areas of social deprivation and trying to make them read, write and add to the same level as middle class kids across the city? Their needs and wants are completely different ā€¦

in short (i.e my boss is in the office) - we have a one size fits all system that letā€™s people sink or swim ā€“ This has proven to be counter productive ā€” while thereā€™s no perfect system or utopia where we all let robots do our work while we get fat ā€” we have to look at poverty and the social problems that arise from it through a completely different lens than we have done to know - increase education - increase state participation and inclusion ā€¦ you do it through schooling, a little coercion into courses/public service, increased social outlets and more facilities in communitiesā€¦ this involves the government being more involved and not taking alaissez faire attitude to people and communities.

We had a load of snide comments here the other day because a chap running for SF in unemployed ā€¦ that attitude is very real in society ā€¦ and while the argument about him not working in between being a Councillor and potentially being a TD is a fair one, that wasnt the tone or cause of amusement hereā€¦ if anything, the unemployed or those from economic black spots should be encouraged to engage with politics and the political process not slated for trying to rise above their station.


Youā€™re getting more like Sidienkowski by the day



Thatā€™s a MASSIVE compliment.


I prefer your snapper posts accusing people of being steamers and whatnot, ya steamer

Get fucked you cuntflap.


A bit cumbersome. Sidski might be better.

Sounds good but you are clearly advocating for the state to take an active role, and guiding if not shaping behaviour. I agree but what would this look like? Surely incentivising work, but you were advocating more dole, and punishing and even correcting deviant behavior. For example welfare fraud. Or fines for parents for anti social behaviour by children etc. Along of course with improving increased facilities etc but theres reasonable facilities in urban areas in ireland as is i think. But theres never been much of an appetite for that kind of government intervention/planning. The hopelessness of situations, long term unemployment, feeling unsafe in their home areas fuels desperation and in cases substance addiction. It takes more than extra teachers to address this.


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Very good


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This one goes out to all the parents :crying_cat_face:

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Wonder how many innocent families were blown limb from limb


Why donā€™t Fine Gael and Fianna Fail get together and stop all this nonsenseā€¦
Alan Brogan on Twitter today.


Inexcusableā€¦ neglecting our most vulnerable childrenā€¦ theyā€™re your words Alan, ultimately about the government your calling for to get back together.