Twitter (Part 1)

Donā€™t have to be ,I loved it, Ulster teams for the rough n tumble league games,ABD

Always a good one for a chuckle. I was reminded of this twitter account by the recent Bill Joe Saunders damage limitation retweets (applauding women speaking out about domestic violence, or getting filmed delivering bottles of water to a hospital)

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Imagine he was told to stop wasting Gardai time
Regan seems a bit of a hot head

Some ape

Hilarious watching Cosgrave doubling down despite being called out by pretty much everyone, from HSE to unions, on his 4 deaths claim.

Also made a range of allegations against a GP yā€™day which he has since deleted.

Had a cut at the guy who did the bot analysis too but got slapped down by her man fairly quickly.

Some Clown . Heā€™s really heading for full Gemma mode - going off the rails in full public view. Itā€™s fascinating to watch and itā€™s a bit of a surprise he hasnā€™t landed here because heā€™d really fit in


What happened?

Heā€™ll get in some legal trouble for that INMO tweet, I missed the doctor one

Heā€™s like a poster on here not admitting heā€™s wrong!

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Ah this place can be weird but weā€™re largely centre weird and not too far right or left weird.

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He doesnā€™t have political positions really, he just all about himself.

He abused two guardai for not social distancing while working.

As I said before, a mighty sound gesture from Regan.

This is hardly a big enough playground for him. Lads, have we any info on how many healthcare staff have died? I know Paddy is being a total cunt but if thereā€™s healthcare staff dying we should be told. If four have died but theyā€™re not legally HSE then he does have a bit of a point.

The establishment shills doing their best to intimidate Paddy.

Bottom line is as long as the HSE is not crystal clear with statistics and exactly what they mean, it will leave room for self declared ā€œtruthersā€ to exploit.

I donā€™t think thereā€™s been any evidence to suggest 4 healthcare workers have died apart from his tweet and the IT even clarified that the one healthcare worker who had died wasnā€™t a nurse.

If he had actual evidence at this stage - Iā€™m fairly sure he would have pushed it out, thatā€™s his style.

Either way, it was a spectacularly cuntish thing to tweet in any event.


Thatā€™s it, regardless.

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Exactly mate. Most of the board are establishment shills.

He said it was ā€œsemanticsā€ which is basically him admitting he was wrong without saying it.

The INMO represent all nurses I thought (not just public HSE ones) and refuted it.

The IT actually probably lifted the nurse line from his timeline which is dangerous. These guys had it as a healthcare worker always

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