Twitter (Part 1)

I treat her to tea in bed every morning.

A big Mac would be a bigger achievement

Or a Hymac :heart_eyes:

Shed really dig that

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How many consultant anaesthetists are there in the place? 6?

About ten posts up mate

Internetting 101.

I remember one fella who made a few accounts that would praise everything AFR said, resulting in everyone accusing AFR himself of running the accounts.

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Hi Cormac/Fallon.

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Is Diarmuid Lyng gone mad?

What a pair of cunts.

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They’re cracked. There’s a video on their youtube of the two of them throwing a piss soaked nappy at each other.

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Thanks for that - a lovely couple. Meditation is the way to go.

Diarmuid has reached a higher plain of existence. His spirituality is off the chart. I respect a fellow zen achiever.

He’s moved from Diarmuid to Gizzy. It’s a short step to our own personal, Jesus.

Each to their own and all that. There is more than one way to navigate life than getting up and doing 9 to 5. Best of luck to the pair of them.


Is this Gizzy Lyng chap a new age traveller?


Why is Gizzy wearing boot cut pants? Are they back in again?

No he is a Spiorad Saor

They never left mate :muscle:

Some people do their own thing - others wait to be told what’s in and what’s out.