Twitter (Part 1)

Were they caught napping?

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How big is the pool of consultant anaesthetists that have caught it in the hospital not far from you?

Yes, unfortunately. Sheā€™s a consultant paediatrician, but being able to run the neonatal ventilators has left her responsible for all under 30ā€™s.
She is also head of child safety and is terrified as loads of vulnerable kids cannot be randomly visited as families have cottoned on and simply say they are in isolation. One poor lad with bite marks that the father says was just a game, and the polis say thereā€™s not enough evidence to take any action. Now unexpected visits are out, thereā€™s no telling what is going on.
She had to buy eye protection herself down in the local hardware shop. She bought everything they had as A&E were pleading for it as they couldnā€™t get any.
She has one mask which she has to reuse (I managed to source her two more from a friend, but they are supposed to be single use).
Effectively lads spraying cars have far better protection.
Weā€™ve all accepted that we are going to get it, as will the kids, and just hope it isnā€™t too bad.
Sheā€™s more worried about people who arenā€™t being seen for other things, and fears we may kill as many through that, as save.



Tough going.

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Hang tough - that sounds grim.

My missus is a GP so not as bad as that and PPE doesnā€™t seem to be an issue as yet. That being said the HSE are looking to get GPā€™s into the isolation/step-down facilities so not sure where things will end up. Like you, weā€™ve kind of resigned ourselves to the likelihood that sheā€™ll get it so therefore we will too and have been extra careful on avoiding parents etc for the last while. Youā€™d hope it will be all ok but weā€™re also getting life insurance organised this week ā€¦


Gets a bit real between that and the will :grimacing::joy:

Sheā€™s a good woman @flattythehurdler

I always felt she was lucky to have you, but itā€™s probably mutual.

Take care of her and the family. As @gilgamboa said buy her whatever computer she wants


And you look after your Mrs and young lad too @tallback. Have the dinner ready for her, or treat her in bed, whatever she needs


Ah like everything you do your job.
I tell you who should be getting the praise and the rounds of applause is the supermarket workers who sit there all day with a pair of gloves, getting paid the minimum wage, getting coughed and sneezed on, and abused by some cunt who canā€™t by sixteen toilet rolls, and noone cares or thinks of them in the slightest. Fwiw, Iā€™ve made a point of thanking every one that I encounter for working and bizarrely they look at you with gratitude rather than like youā€™re a weirdo. They are at just as much risk or more, and completely taken for granted and treated with little respect, and Iā€™d argue their role in society is more important than healthcare.


Iā€™m buying her whatever computer TFK wants. Sheā€™s delighted with that. Iā€™m utterly blessed to be married to her. Iā€™d have been happily living in Limerick Dublin or Galway years ago otherwise




Exactly. Sure whatever she wants, deliver.

Jaysus the Mrs told me the other night she canā€™t resist me at the moment. She hasnā€™t said that in years. Iā€™m no oil painting as @Thomas_Brady will attest to, but this pandemic has the women driven wild.


Ha! I was talking to our solicitor the other day (weā€™re trying to buy a house in the middle of all this madness too) and she was saying sheā€™s run off her feet doing wills for people


Yeah - but I need to do something extra too!

Buy her a big iMac so mate :+1:

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Moving to Louth has been a gamechanger for her

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Could that be from being present during the intubation procedure, or would that not really be the case?

I donā€™t know. They say that putting patients into rooms like theatres with air circulation was a major issue before they cottoned onto it, but I think intubating people suffering with it is high risk too, less so now Iā€™d hope.

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