Twitter (Part 1)

The bit i focused on was the wrongful arrest, that was the original debate.

It wasn’t wrongful of course, despite you and others really really wishing it was.

You ignore hard questions as they expose your hypocrisy, and when you think you are always right, as you do, that’s a bitter pill to swallow.

Wait til the press hear of joes mafia connections

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The Guards perjure themselves in court to protect the boys in the trough. So bad was the perjury, their own boss wouldn’t back them.

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It was wrongful, she was arrested, handcuffed and had the story leaked to media when she was innocent.

In contrast, a FF TD has numerous penalty points written off or not pursued.

That’s quite a strange contrast.


Overwhelmingly but not all. They planted bombs in their own community. I’d certainly prefer McGuinness to the other lad mind you

Most of the civilians MK killed were their own. The victims of their landmine campaigns were mainly poor black labourers.

War is not pretty, bad things are inevitable, it’s just very regrettable that the political institutions at the time left little alternative to the likes of the Provisional IRA and MK to come the rescue of their communities.

It takes some mental gymnastics to laud and eulogise Mandela as a hero while turning your nose up at militant republicanism in the north during the troubles.


It’s the least they could do. They’ve been producing legions of self entitled chinless wonder Blueshirts for generations.


There’s always an alternative to planting bombs in your own cities

I don’t know enough about South Africa to compare and contrast the two

If you don’t know enough about South Africa then maybe you shouldn’t be engaging into a contrast of the two.

Where do you think MK were bombing? Lima in Peru?


I didn’t contrast the two in any of my posts. Read again

Do you agree with this sentiment?

This is a discussion about the contrast of MK and the Provos. It has been since @maroonandwhite was eulogising Mandela earlier when turning his nose up at Martin McGuinness. That’s what it has been about so if you don’t know what you’re talking about then maybe it’s best to keep your uninformed opinions to yourself.

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Can you show me any war or conflict where such gentlemanly rules were adhered to?

Well I was responsing to your post where you listed McGuinness, Mandela and Corbyn. So do you want to tell me whether you agree or disagree with this?

Answer my question first

The alternative to planting bombs in the 06 was a loyalist pogrom, burning Catholics out of their homes and beating them to death with the aid of the state security forces as a government down south and a government across the sea watched on and shrugged their shoulders.

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And what if someone belonging to you died in those bombs? Is that still ok?

You’re barking up the wrong tree here. There’s only so far you can be pushed until you fight back. The Southern and British Governments could not give one fuck about what was happening to Northern nationalists and they had to take this avenue themselves, alone. It was a situation brought upon by the inaction and lack of decency by the British and Free State governments.

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This all started with Claire Daly again lads did it?

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