Twitter (Part 1)

Still is.

Yet a left leaning TD is brought away in hand cuffs because she took an illegal turn.

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So despite me proving several times it wasnt a bit wrongful, and her absolutely failing to prove it, you believe it was because?? Imaginary political policing.

If you want a perfect example of the dissonance of the moron irish left,

People get off with penalty points = a disgrace

Someone who commits a penalty point offence and admits to having drink taken gets looked at = a disgrace

Did I hear that Ruth Coppinger thought that all LC students would be sitting it together in the same venue, all 60,000. My god almighty, the left in Ireland :see_no_evil:

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You’d have to imagine at this stage that any private Dublin school that doesn’t have a nationally recognised firebrand hard-left politician in its alumni would be feeling a bit jealous

covid 19?

Listen I don’t blame you. I nearly admire the innocence of people who believe everything they’re told by people in power.

I believe proven facts, you believe sinn fein are gonna give everyone free gaffs. Hows that for innocence.

Has he commented on the FF TD who seems to have Gardai not doing their job?

Last month, the 31-year-old Westmeath TD admitted to having penalty points written off. He incurred the points after pulling his car over to take a call.

He claimed he was not driving at the time.

Now it has emerged that summonses for three different motoring offences were not served on him by gardai.

The Courts Service has confirmed that three court cases for these offences, two relating to alleged speeding in August 2011 and March 2012, were struck out because summonses were not served. A third hearing, for parking on a footpath in June 2011, was struck out for the same reason.

When a driver is issued with a fixed charge notice for a motoring offence which incurs penalty points, they have 56 days to accept the points and pay their fine. When this time period has elapsed but the motorist has not accepted the points, a summons is issued.

Gardai are obliged to serve the summons on the motorist to appear in the District Court and answer the alleged offence.

It is not known why the three summonses were not served.

Ah shure some people like to believe there’s no such thing as political policing. What can you do but be a bit jealous of the innocence.

Just keep shouting it and it’ll eventually be true

Last month, the 31-year-old Westmeath TD admitted to having penalty points written off. He incurred the points after pulling his car over to take a call.

He claimed he was not driving at the time.

Now it has emerged that summonses for three different motoring offences were not served on him by gardai.

The Courts Service has confirmed that three court cases for these offences, two relating to alleged speeding in August 2011 and March 2012, were struck out because summonses were not served. A third hearing, for parking on a footpath in June 2011, was struck out for the same reason.

When a driver is issued with a fixed charge notice for a motoring offence which incurs penalty points, they have 56 days to accept the points and pay their fine. When this time period has elapsed but the motorist has not accepted the points, a summons is issued.

Gardai are obliged to serve the summons on the motorist to appear in the District Court and answer the alleged offence.

It is not known why the three summonses were not served.

This deserves an answer alright. Until its given its pure speculation what happened.

Do you think claire daly should have got a summons for the illegal u turn?

Deserves an answer. You do know the media or the establishment never any real appetite into exposing the corruption of the two violent civil war parties?

It won’t be answered. Before Gemma O’Doherty went crackers she was shown her jotters for investigating a high ranking Garda on quashing of penalty points. The Gardai are inherently corrupt but the state are too intertwined in this to dare tackle it.

I don’t think she should have been brought away in handcuffs.

That’s not what i asked? Not answering questions that don’t suit you now?

I think that is an irrelevance.

It’s a bigger issue that she was handcuffed, arrested and held in custody and then had this story leaked to the media. That’s an absolute disgrace - I think you should compare and contrast why a FF TD has had a number of penalty points written off and not pursed and how a left leaning TD was arrested and humiliated on trumped up charges and the has the story leaked to a tabloid the next day.

Come back with another loaded question if you wish.

Ah well. Sometimes questions are hard arent they?

I have no interest in loaded questions.

It’s odd that your focus is away from a TD being arrested with little basis, handcuffed and has the story leaked to the press when she was completely innocent. When you compare and contrast that with a FF TD having a number of penalty points written off and not pursued then I think it tells you about the Gardai.

But its the little bits that you focus on that are the giveaway, as I said previously, you’re like one of those loyalists from Tiger’s Bay who votes DUP.

Useless random fact.

Joe Higgins would regularly walk to school in the 1950s with both my father and my godfather.