Twitter (Part 1)

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Cheers, looks exactly the type of book Iā€™m after at the moment

Iā€™d argue that Dev exploited the Catholic church, who exploited the country by proxy. They were ill met.
I wonder how the country would have turned out had Dev been murdered and Collins held power.


Silly question but is this book written in a relatively accessible style? are there interesting stories weaved through the narrative, I like to listen to books when Iā€™m running but if itā€™s too weighty I tend to zone out and daydream, I quite enjoyed Sapiens recently but missed vast tracts Iā€™d say.

Possibly worse many reckon . Who knows

It is as accessible history/geo politics book as I have read and I have read a good few.

It is a page turner and a very accessible read. Full of little nuggets, anicdotes and interesting facts (pretty much everything I have posted on the things I learned today thread in the past few months is from this book) and there is a good bit of humour in it. It also isnā€™t written from a particular perspective to paint the US in either a good or bad light, more so to capture their foreign policies of the day and how all of these various islands and countries they took control of were of benefit to the mainland

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Dev should have been shot for treason for his ā€œwade through rivers of Irish bloodā€ speeches in March - June of 1922. The only hope of avoiding civil war was if Dev accepted the outcome of the Dail treaty vote in January. Collins had some chance of getting the IRA on side, but no hope with Dev agitating for civil war. Collins was also working with IRA battalions in the north, but all that was scuttled with the outbreak of the Civil war.

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Itā€™s a much easier read than, say, Noam Chomsky. Still falls a bit short of Michael Parenti, in my opinion, but itā€™s an excellent book nonetheless.

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Doesnā€™t matter to me anymore, itā€™s not on audible :neutral_face:

What about that Prisoners of Geography book that was so popular last year, anybody read or recommend that?

I enjoyed it. I listened to it on Audible and the narrator is a bit dry but it is interesting but found I often had to listen back to chapters as I switched off

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Cc @Batigol & @anon26343222




Oh Jaysus

Careful what ye comment , it will be sent directly to TJ by our sid or apple

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It was the whaaaa? when she spoke to him firstā€‹:rofl::rofl:. Tj looks like a man thatā€™s losing patience with the lockdown

ah Itā€™s brilliant. The head on TJ.

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Iā€™d say Tj sulks every day he doesnā€™t get to play hurling.

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Like the head of Junior Soprano when they found out he likes to dine below

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No court could convict a battery charge there.