Good Books

Good one alright. However his latest offering "Chest pains, camper vans…) is a pile of inane scutter. He’s very witty though on Shannonside with Joe Finnegan these days.

He’s a stone cold expert on isolation and methods of survival. God, however, is creeping up on him again which is fairly catastrophic for the intrepid Michael

I’ve been looking at this books for years. Finally read it this week. It’s a very good read.


Read it last month . Very decent .

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Its excellent

He was some cunt of a man

Have been reading 10 to 15 pages of this a night before bed for the last couple of months. It is an excellent book. As history/geo politics books go it is extremely well written and a very easy read, some utterly fascinating stuff including the annexing of the Philippines for 50 odd years and the huge role they played in the second world war and why all these Caribbean and south sea islands were craved for their natural resources such as bird shit as they were needed for fertiliser until the Germans were able to create nitrates in a lab during the first world war.

Some great insight into Puerto Rico in the 50s which went through a similar kind of faith to the Irish Civil war which resulted in a botched attempt by nationalist to assassinate President Truman and how nationalists from Puerto Rico storming into the house of representative and indiscriminately firing leading to five congress men getting shot.


I’m fairly sure I picked up the recommendation on this thread, but I finished reading The Son by Philip Meyer over the weekend. Absolutely loved it. Definitely similar to Cormac McCarthy in some ways.

I was 30 pages in two weeks ago and must pick it up again.

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Fatback :ronnyroar:

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The first punks.


I read both elevator pitch and the chain recently. Both easy enough to read not too much thinking. Might be up your street

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I recommended that . An epic.

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I presume you’ve read Prisoners of Geography. It is a good take on global geopolitics.

Thanks - I thought it was class. Epic is exactly what it was. I must buy his other book now.

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Yes I did. If you enjoyed that then this would be right up your alley. Moves along at a much faster pace too.

It is easy to see why racism is still so systemic over there the country really was founded on it. The book concentrates on territories outside the main United States like Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, Alaska, the Philippines and the various rocks they annexed in the Caribbean to dig the hundreds of years of accumulated bird shit off to fertilise crops back in the US. Some great yarns in it about the likes of Teddy Roosevelt


I took this book down off the shelf tonight and gave it a bit of a read. It’s an absolutely hateful anti Irish diatribe and a great insight into British thinking about Ireland in the 1920s


I’m reading a cracker of a book by peter carey, the true history of the kelly gang. Its written in the vernacular of the time and place, the imagery is stunning. A masterpiece

The narrative is by Ned Kelly himself and the format is in fictional letters from Ned to his daughter.


Just finished the globalist the biography of Peter Surherland. A pedestrian enough read tbh. He was a serious operator in fairness