Twitter (Part 1)

Alan’s got it all figured out

Free Mortgages for everyone


Hold up, the place that manages the money is going to end up with more money after they make a seemingly generous offer to temporarily stop taking money. I’m aghast! You’ll be telling me next that credit cards aren’t free money and you have to pay them back at some point!


The financial literacy of the vast majority of the population is absolutely appalling. No wonder so many people get taken in by Ponzi schemes and other frauds.

Business studies should be mandatory up to leaving certificate.


Alan needs to realise there is no such thing as a free lunch

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Except for in the hotel his family own…

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Alan lives in a different stratosphere to you. He has had many free lunches.


Did Alan ever have a beard?

Ah lovely.


Read the thread. She’s stage 6

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Dublin City RIP

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The HBV Twitter account could land some grenade in that twitter thread

Maia the liar

What am I looking for here, the bit about him offering to buy her a drink? Is there another post I’ve missed? I don’t get it.

Bewleys is closing because no one goes in there anymore surely? The rents are sky high, but they could move if they had the customers and sure they sold all the hotels for a sky high price that time. They also used to own the unit they are in, but again cashed out for a nice profit in the tiger years.
In fact I think the reason they are paying such a high rent roll, was as a lease to justify the price they sold it for.
Don’t get me wrong Ronan is a cunt, and I doubt they are making money there at the best of times paying €1.5m a year. But hoisted by their own petard to an extent


The main point here is how bankrupt Johnny has ended up owning one of the post expensive pieces of real estate in the country a decade after he left his fellow citizens with a bill for nine figures.
Fcuking rotten side of capitalism.


Same in Galway with Barret, on the NAMA payroll one day yet multi million investments the next

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Well that is very true. To be fair Johnny paid all his loans back in full, or at least his new backers did, a few years into NAMA. Now whether he should have been above water at all at that stage is a completely different story

Not just Barrett. John lally, Harry Harris, the whole lot of them.

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Maia slates Johnny Ronan, married a slightly similar looking guy in Johnny Vegas.


And you’d hope it wasn’t for his personality