Twitter (Part 1)

There was at least two revamps of Bewleys in the last couple of decades and they were very :neutral_face: I thought.

Iā€™ve fond memories of the Grafton Street one (and even their suburban shopping centre ones) but they just couldnā€™t quite adapt. Whatā€™s left of them now- some small coffee shops?

What is Johnnyā€™s grand plan that sheā€™s referring to? Heā€™s been plotting for years to get Bewleys out and be left with a vacant commercial property in the middle of a recession? I donā€™t get it.

Also, is anyone brave enough to ask MaĆÆa when was the last time she was in Bewleys?

I thought the Grafton St one was all they had left. Where were the other ones?

Iā€™ve never seen the appeal of Bewleys.

They had a small coffee shop on Georgeā€™s Street for a while anyway.

No me neither. Get your coffee in one of the other 8 billion places serving it

Morning of 5 & 6 Nations matches, would head there for breakfast before the game having driven up from Limerick. Great buzz around Grafton st, even saw French team in there one morning before the match.

Went back in for nostalgiaā€™s same when reopened. Beautifully done but way too expensive.

Not sure why this bird has such an emotional attachment to it.

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A vote for FF/FG is a vote for the likes of Johnny Ronan.

Itā€™s a bit much to have a meltdown and go off on a vindictive rant about a fucking coffee shop though, innit?

Must have been brewing a long time.


Someone obviously spilled the beans

Mocha ado about nothing.


Do Bewleys own all their branded machines in petrol stations? That must be a decent operation.

Itā€™s a zenith in snowflake culture

Only women may answer

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Iā€™ll vote SF when I move home most likely. Eamon o cuiv first and foremost as heā€™s been a brilliant local politician and has helped me out with great kindness on occasion, then SF or green provided the candidate isnā€™t a buffoon.


Jesus now you put it that way ā€¦,

Una strikes we as a wee bit simple

Maybe sheā€™s just dumbing down for the feminists

That Malcolm Byrne is the FF version of FGā€™s Kneel Richmond. An absolute pain in the hole.

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