Twitter (Part 1)

Mostly I agree with you, knocking people who have been redundant is petty. There is one particular journalist I am directing that at. Said journalist said he was bigger than that paper they were working for and now is replying to trump’s tweets trying to be witty and liberal

Journalists are frauds.

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How does Ewan know it’s a journalist, if they won’t give their name?
Assume Ewan would not trust an unamed person when they claim to be something?

Victim blaming

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How does he know it wouldn’t ?

Dil’s a she

Dil is operating as a she/her, FYI.

Other things Dil is:


He investigated it?

Plot twist: Ewan has been stalking himself with one of his message board profiles to keep his tweet volume up.

The games afoot

He walked out the back to see what was the racket

Ah right Dil. I have her now. Why did she get thrown off Newstalk again ?

He looks stoned

George Hook something, something, Denis O’Brien, something, something.

A few TFK posters here I’d say

There must be a few lads on here fairly shitting it.

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Barbara Streisand effect.