Twitter (Part 1)


They got him


The account first appeared on Twitter in late 2019 and was renamed a number of times, most recently to 'Fartway Deliveries Irelandā€™.

Thatā€™s top quality stuff


Sorcha doesnā€™t really understand the notion of diversity in media . Oirish media operates largely in a D4 liberal bubble .


You know you have reared a cunt if they tell you they want to go and study journalism.


Phase 2 :joy:

Any fella with a twitter parody/anon account needs sectioning.


Ah thatā€™s a good 2 months old. Itā€™s brilliant all the same.

Feck em ( not all obviously) some have destroyed lives with inuendos etc, factual reporting no sweat but gutter sniping without facts no way

Christ the replies to Moyets tweet emptied me

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John Barnes lolz


I had a phone for ages that had a load of texts from @Atticus_Finch (about a years worth).I used to charge it every now and again to go through them.Sad I know,but he was one of my best friends.I burst into tears the morning I heard he died.


A friend of mine still has her dad in her phone, despite the mother now having the number since he passed. It never fails to freak me out when I see his name come up on the screen.


Iā€™d a Snapchat unopened for a year or so from a friend who died in a car accident. I dunno did I open it drunk or was it deleted after some update or something. I never did see it do.

Thereā€™s nothing sad about you reading those messages anyway thatā€™s for sure.

The replies are a tough read.

I have a chromebook that was belong to my mother, when I clicked on a Facebook link here one day (I never had a Facebook account) it opened on her profile, I have thought about posting something on it but I suppose itā€™d be in bad taste

But I canā€™t understand why anybody would ever delete a number of a deceased relative off their phone, I couldnā€™t ever do that, real sense of finality about that act


I didnā€™t know they took numbers back until I read the replies. Thatā€™s a bit creepy. You can contact Facebook I believe and ask them to switch your mums profile to a sort of memorial type page. Maybe memorial is the wrong word but it would maybe have the date she passed and that sort of thing.

It wouldnā€™t be really

Was he same one that posted on premierview?

I donā€™t know if he posted there.He posted on AFR as An Madra Rua I think.