Twitter (Part 1)

A quencher from Barnes


Following forum favourite paddy does have some interesting retweets


His account was hacked

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Only people who get hacked are people who share dick pics on Twitter


That’s a powerful post kid

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Peter shilton is providing tonight’s entertainment

The Brits are at each other’s throats. Toppling a slave traders statue has sent them over the edge

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He really reeled in the FBPE crowd there .


The Twitter mob is running the show now. Fall in line.

Pulling down statues is just cosmetic really. Time to go after the only thing Whitey really cares about, his pocket

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We need to get the ferry over and go for some Cromwell statues while the going is good

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First dibs on this cunt

Surely every British Monarch until the mid 1800s is in trouble as well. There’ll be a glut of scrap metal on the market by the time they are finished

The world is being flipped on it’s head and it’s beautiful

I vote we go for this lad

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Shout :clap: :clap:

Go on so , pull it down . All mouth