Twitter (Part 1)

His last post on here was attacking me after he fell victim to the original Facehop


He got caught out badly there.He wasn’t the only one though

There was an atticus finch on premierview, not the worst cunt going, for a Kilkenny man.

@Atticus_Finch was from Granagh.I was gutted for him that he wasn’t about in 2013.He’d have been as proud as punch

How did he die?

Choked on his own vomit.

Fuck, sorry to hear that. Jesus that’s been in my head on occasion we knew a family when I was young who lost a son the same way

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Sorry for your loss

It’ll be 10 years in November.

Jesus Christ, what a way to go. My sympathies.

Pure Gold, the Ivory Coast flags :joy:

Very Rock n Roll.

We buried a small baby a few years back.
My wife keeps a baby-grow of his and his small teddy bear in her bedside locker. I know they’re there, we have never talked about them.
There are mementoes and I suppose rituals that we share as a family in his memory but those things in her beside locker are for her and her alone and that’s fine.
For me, I have a video that I made with the few photos we have of him that I sometimes watch.
Less often now than before mark you but that’s my thing.
They say time heals all wounds but that’s not true, it merely dulls them. It’s important to remember and to express your grief every once in a while.


Very sorry to hear that lad. Can’t imagine anything to compare to that tragedy.

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That’s very true. Take care of each other.

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Is Wooly’s job with Joe gone or was it only the English operation that got in trouble?

Ah lad, that’s shit.

Thoughts for what they’re actually worth are with with ye all.

Mind yourself mate there can’t be anything worse

The girlfriend lost her sister 18 months ago, she has her iPad and is using it constantly. She’s still logged in on her FB and every now and then people would be sending messages. She never looks at them but it helps her that people are still thinking of her. She has no problem wearing clothes belonging to her sister or anything like that, which I think is good thing.


I’d say the show will stay on the road. New ownership or stripped down, but I honestly don’t know.

He’d be a great replacement for Des.

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