Twitter (Part 1)

Why won’t these damn videos play?


Don’t know who that is mate

No idea

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Thk you :+1:

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Aussie talkshow host who looks remarkably like the guy you posted

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This graham linehan seems a weird little chap, not merely this but just from any scan of his timelines. When even hozier is feeling the need to penis punch you :man_shrugging:

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this video is not playing

Hozier is a dick.

Well done Graham.

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Why wont these videos play?

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That’s a great question!

The Rural Right Wing Catholic Klan are leading us on here…

“You won’t drag me into your weird, obsessive little culture war, mate”

As he publicly chooses to drag himself into said culture war.

Lads really can’t see the wood for the trees in every social media setting.

Your man tagged him in first tbf, although I presume there was a reason for that.

While the virtue signalling mob would sicken your shit, as someone said on a comment under Lenihans tweet, what a very strange rock for him to pick to die on. I mean really who gives a fuck what the super woke brigade are up to

I’ve learned a lot here on TFK but one thing that is clear is that wokeness can drive people absolutely mental


When it was just the black lads being woke, it was grand, they were the ones actually suffering the prejudice and racism. They could tell you what was prejudiced and racist.

The situation we have now is a load of “woke” white people going around telling mostly other white people, who don’t give a fuck either way what is prejudice and racist, ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

The craziest thing about it is the white woke are more woke than the black lads these days and have kind of taken over the voice of it. Which is more wrong than not giving a shit.

Woke lives matter.

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Graham Linehan & Hozier arguing about trans issues on twitter and lads here arguing about it



I find wokeness annoying. Lads on Instagram almost in competition with each other to see who can be the most woke. Coming out with “black trans bi refugee lesbian vegan lives matter” crap.

Just be nice to people and treat them as individuals. Unless they’re cunts. Then treat them as cunts, regardless of race


NI loyalists hold a steady course despite the world changing round them