Twitter (Part 1)

It’s only a matter of time before hozier releases a Christmas album called

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Graham is an arsehole. Dicks fuck arseholes.

Is that Graham Linehin that wrote Father Ted and Black Books. They’re gone

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Netflix will be bleak in a few months

The ultra woke stuff is obviously unbelievable annoying but the problem is there is a place for white Irish people speaking about and against prejudice and racism in all its different forms but they all get lumped in together. Obviously this plays right into the hands of the lads who are properly prejudiced and racist and discredits people looking for any sort of fairness and equality.


Absolutely there is. I don’t equate wokeness with fairness and equality. Showing how woke you are on social media does very little for any group or cause

It’s always been like this, the folks that give up drink, smoking, meat and the worst was the fucker that suddenly found religion. They are all the same. They all become zealots, usually people just told them to fuck off.

I find when it comes to equality, it isn’t really equality some people are after. I emphasize some. Some people want equality but better. They want all the nice things but none of the shit things. They want to pick and choose equality because they think being a certain demographic is utopia. It fucking isn’t. If you want equality, you get all of it. Not just the shit you want.

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Flesh that out a bit, mate. Maybe with examples.

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ok, this is delicate but there is no point pussy footing around it.

I’ll try explain it in role play.

Lets say Tom identifies as transgender, Tom applies for a job in a marketing company. The marketing company sees this as great opportunity to up its diversity quota so hires Tom. Equality. Great (Is it though?) Was there equal opportunity for every one?

Turns out Tom is totally unsuitable for the job. If Tom were a single, white person who identified as a heterosexual male, Tom would be fired. Because Tom identifies as transgender and was hired on a diversity quota, Tom cannot be fired, because HR are scared out of their wits. Tom knows this. Tom plays up to this.

Equality, but without the shit bits. If you’re crap at your job, you get canned.

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Old North of England saying “there’s nowt as zealous as a convert”

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Don’t think any transgender person would call themselves Tom mate

Didn’t take long for the mask to slip


Who are you to say what anybody calls themselves?

You’re a bare faced, open, control freak borderline nazi who wants to control what people eat, how they travel, what sports they watch and what they’re called

Also, transgender goes both ways you sexist fuck

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You are right there

I got it wrong

Tom could be ftm


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don’t fucking apologize for it. You’d need a cheat sheet going around if you were to avoid offending everybody.

Ok mate I think your issue is with really bad hiring policies and shit HR departments rather than transgender people looking for equality so. Also, what does “Tom plays up to this” mean? Does Tom double down on how shit he is at marketing?

Tom comes to know he is untouchable and behaves accordingly. It’s not that the hiring policy and HR are bad. It’s the publicity that will come from firing a person who isn’t easy to fire. It’ll get on social media, the company will be destroyed by all the woke brigade.

If an average Joe soap white person got fired the reaction would be, fuck it, probably deserved it.

You see it happening all around you. All the time. It’s why the diversity quota’s exist in the first place. It’s like a field full of landmines

Look, I try to be socially conscious and respect people’s views as much as I can. But it’s gone absolutely fucking ridiculous. The most outspoken “woke” people are usually people who’ve little else to be worrying about. Inadvertently enabling this dangerous behavior and censoring the fuck out of anything and everything. All the while resilience and accountability are being eroded, as there is always a fall back. Nobody can take criticism and everybody is pussy footing around the place. It’s going to be very difficult

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Tom sounds like a cunt.

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Have you experiences this before?
I’d say the number of cases like this is minimal