Twitter (Part 1)

PM please. The missus is mad about him, and I want to bring her world crashing down…

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I cant wait for Handbags and Glasrags to come in with their usual quips about gossip merchants on here. It’ll be hilarious.

PM please lads.


Pm please. I’m a big The Frames fan

I reckon you’re about an 8 or a 9. Maybe even 9 and a half in four beers time

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Without law and order, there is no freedom and only anarchy. The judiciary is there to ensure that the accused has the right to prove their innocence. Trial by Twitter mob does not afford the accused this right.

I was just thinking, a lot of people tweeting #ibelieveher but if it’s an anoynoumous allegation, how do you even know that it’s made by a “her”? It could be some big fat smelly dude who just didn’t like The Cost or something.


Sometimes people just need a revelation.


I like gossip.

PM please

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Harvey Weinstein would still be raping our sisters and dughters today if it wasn’t for the twitter mob

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Glen Hansard is falling slowly


I’m sorry to hear he did your sister too.

Thats not very nice. My own fault perhaps for assuming you were of a sufficient cerebral standard to acknowledge the broader point being made

He’s fucking falling headlong

Not quite, was it not Dillon Farrow in the MSM who did him in?

Could I get a PM too.

I still don’t see how the legal system couldn’t have been invoked here. Weinstein was a depraved predator, but his victims were not your average sister. Were they not putting themselves in the presence of a depraved bastard in order to further their careers? It would be like a woman knowing who Larry Murphy is, but still getting into the car with him.

Trial by Twitter mob is setting very dangerous precedents.

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The NYPD refused to charge him at first. The Twitter mob took it up then and that was that

PM please. I need this.

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Ah would you fuck off with that. If you want to get a movie made you have to talk to a producer. No producer no movie.

Now there are probably some women out there secretly thinking “I’m delighted I sucked Harvey’s cock. Best thing I ever did.” but you can’t hold that against every young women who wants to make a movie and has to talk to a producer.