Twitter (Part 1)

Geezer womenā€¦

In fairness a lot of the English lasses with them sound like they have nothing between the ears. Explains a majority of the 50m of them

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Looks like even Selena Gomez was backing him too

Justin must be a lovely chap.

Whatā€™s liam Cunningham done? I see his name popping up on some tweets. I thought he was one of the woke good guys!

Winter is coming, for the woke


They are the ones for the watching.

Some wild accusations being made about Glen Hansard. And I think Mundy got caught in the crossfire as well.

Mundy? Jaysus. Theyā€™ll move on to GAA players next!

Yup. Big time.

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Wait till they realise that most of the woke guys were doing it to get them into bed too. Wolves in sheepā€™s clothing

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Jaysus, Iā€™m getting an interesting one about Hansard over on a WhatsApp at the moment. Donā€™t think I could repeat it here

Hard to distinguish between the genuine revelations of perverted and possibly illegal behaviour by men and those of men who were just shitty boyfriends who might have cheated on their on/off partners. All seem to be treated as one and the same by woke feminists. The former should be brought to justice but being a shitty boyfriend (or girlfriend) is not a crime worthy of having your name dragged through the Twitter court of justice.

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PM please

forward it on there kid

Iā€™ll also take a PM please.

PM please

If Alison Spittle gets more TV time itā€™ll really undermine the woke brigadeā€™s argument for them

Iā€™ll take a pm too

TUM called this years ago


A forum of quidnuncs.

Cc Word of the Day

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