Twitter (Part 1)

Shocking victim blaming

Weinstein was known throughout Hollywood to be a depraved bastard that raped multiple actresses. There is an old fable about a farmer and a viper, with the moral being that you should not expect a reward from the wicked.

Yes it is remarkable. Its almost like a form of show trial.

That pesky twitter mob at it again, shur rape is only a bit of craic really

Stop it now. Nobody said that.

they didn’t put themselves in danger intentionally to further their careers, which is how you framed it.

He put himself in a position where they had to come to him, to have a career. The sick cunt.

The ‘twitter mob’ have been railing against such attitudes all weekend. Normal Irish girls and women, sadly this behaviour is not exclusive to Hollywood and there are plenty of local Weinsteins to be concerned with. Reactionary is the default I get that but try empathy every once in a while, its not as scary as you might think

Again my autocorrect makes a fool out of me. Piss not pics. Maybe my autocorrect may get me called out on twitter.

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I saw her open for David Doherty years ago and was impressed. First sighting of her since. Must give the netflix show a look, sound

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Both scenarios are accurate. He was a sick cunt that put himself in a position where they had to come to him, to have a career, and (unless they were unaware of his track record) they knowingly did put themselves in danger.

I have a vague recollection that this discussion did the rounds when the Weinstein case made headlines, and anyone that pointed to the victims taking risks was immediately accused of victim blaming, etc. etc. by that creepy Tom Humphrey’s fan that used to post here.

Saturdays target Joe Rogan spoke about the issue of the radical left and cancel culture on his podcast with Bill Maher in January. He said himself he’s never voted too right, but if you question anything on the left ypu get savagely attacked

How long did he use the legal system to cover it up with NDA’s and used actors career dreams to keep them silent?

I couldn’t read a case like Weinstein’s without identifying with the emotions of the victims and their families. An empathetic response is human nature unless you have a personality disorder.

If I put myself in the shoes of, say the father of one of Weinstein’s rape victims, my overriding emotion is one of wanting to see the bastard rot in jail. I also would be deeply upset that my daughter would have taken a risk by meeting him in the first place.

What’s your empathetic response?

NDAs are not binding in respect to criminal activity. Rape is a crime.

And yet it was covered up for a very long time

Take a risk like wanting to have a successful career, meet the most influential person in her industry?

There’s no way you can say that everyone knew about this. What would some naive young lady in Hollywood for the first time know?

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I hope he gets anally gangbanged by big black lads in jail every day for the rest of his life

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The movie isn’t stand-up, its a horror-comedy that’s much less shit that I was expecting. I’ve never seen her stand-up.

PM please

I do like gossip and I don’t like that cunt Hansard, never have. PM please @caulifloweredneanderthal