Twitter (Part 1)

:clap: And big white lads. They should all get in on the action.

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In the interests of equality thats fair

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You could get the lads Kev wanted to sort Pat Hickey out to do the job.

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I won’t bother mate. The general consensus is that it’s a shite auld bit of gossip and you’d get better material from Brenda on Facebook

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Lovely set-up @Thomas_Brady. The auld gossips stitched up good and proper


In fairness it seems it was an common knowlege for quite a while. His modus operandi was to meet for dinner and invite the ladies to his hotel room after. Manys the actress had to witness the depraved cunt wanking off in to flower pots etc for manys a year. No way these stories were kept secret. There was also a bizzare story where one woman read her script to him while he was in the bath having a wank. Obviously there was a serious power dynamic at play and fair enough they may have felt pressured but I dont know is it correct to state they had absolutely no agency in these encounters. Its sad that we live in a world where people actually put up with that shit for fame and fortune. I’m sure at least some weighed up the pros and cons and decided it was worth it.

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Handbags and Glasrags will definitely give that an auld like.

First, that’s a presumption. Second, what’s your point?

@caulifloweredneanderthal let me in on this lynch mob. PM the juice please

(Sidenote/shitstir: can we get away with saying lynch mob simply because he’s white?)

Classic Karen, with a convenient distortion of a post. Re-read what I wrote.

OK, Karen?

So if it was known and so widely known you think actors willingly put themselves at risk, why wasnt he brought to justice, using the system you say works.

So what’s your point?

I think Fritzel is trying to say some women are accountable for getting raped. Is that right, Josef?

He’s contending that they “knowingly put themselves in danger.” A bizarre statement, but he must be attempting to make some sort of point?

Dunno mate, ask Josef

Yes pm me too!

What’s this we’re pm’ing about now?


So celebrities like Susan Sarandon and Quentin Tarantino were clearly lying when they said it was well-known in Hollywood about Weinstein’s history of sexually assaulting young women. You know, the crimes he was ultimately tried and convicted of.

Genuine question for you on the “trial by twitter mob” discussion. As a lad that was subjected to a violent assault (I think you mentioned before that you got battered over the head by a traveller), if that happened today, would you post an outraged tweet online naming and shaming your attacker? Or would you go to the Gardai?


Do you have a daughter? Or a sister?

If she told you she was meeting a guy you suspected of being a rapist, would you let her off or advise her to avoid him?