Twitter (Part 1)

You stirring shit again? Get back in under the table

@Horsebox, does this parody tweet remind you of anyone who was being serious?


No one ever lost money betting on peoples stupidity.

All you need to do is look at the Bookmakers.

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Donā€™t forget the Publicans, bro.

Publicans love their clientele. Theyā€™re like family.



Language doesnā€™t matter anymore, mate. Weā€™ve established that already.

Thereā€™s some very useful information here.

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No. I just think lads pretending is gas. Sure Peter Kay did that routine years ago, only with originality, brevity and wit.

Iā€™d say if Benny Hill or Dick Emry were still alive, theyā€™d be kilt

Sure val doonican would be too offensive

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You could never be accused of brevity


Brevity is overrated

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Its sad for whoever has died i suppose

Itā€™s time to just get Brevity done. Itā€™s taking ages.

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Along that line, you could say itā€™s the sole of wit.

I donā€™t have an account on the Twitter machine, but jaysus, some fucking stupid bunch of people replying to this. Irish Americans by the looks of this. Someone needs to fire in a few tweet bombs. A 100% Irisher for good measureā€¦

I got called a leprechaun by a fella in a bar in Philadelphia after I sharked him for 50 dollars in a game of pool. In fact, he was calling me a lepreeshan, you what? says I
Youā€™re a fucking lepreeshan, i fucking hate the Irish. Fuck you man.
I gets a tap on the shoulder, I think heā€™s calling you a leprechaun.

To make a long story short, the bar owner was a proud Cork-American and your man and his pals got fucked out, and I drank a bottle of Midleton rare with the owner free of charge for my troubles.

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