Twitter (Part 1)

Be even worse if they followed around with our posts from the degenerate gambling thread when sober

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Ewan coming for the Tanaiste now

Iā€™m starting to think that this is all a big piece of performance art by Ewan and a film will be released soon documenting it all
ā€œBeing Ewanā€

Lads obsession here with ewan is disturbing

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Itā€™s nearly as bad as their obsession with @sidney

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Did ewan win the book prize?

Heā€™s read the room and is now calling it a disgrace/kick in the teeth to front line workers etc. Masterful internetting by Niall

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In future, can you refer to his bio before you post up his tweet like that?

Duly noted never heard of he/him before

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Can we take it as read that anyone who puts ā€œhe/himā€ or ā€œshe/herā€ in their twitter profile is a complete fucking eejit not worth listening to?


Iā€™ve gobshite/bollix in mine and the general public better refer to me as it. Otherwise they will be cancelled

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Iā€™m gonna search twitter for that and figure out who you are and doxx the shit out of you. Itā€™s all the rage now. :wink: :rofl:


Is this from the perspective of a cis man or a cis woman?

Whatā€™s cis short for? Cissy?

No its Christ Iā€™m Stuck. Am I a man or a woman?

Colm oā€™Rourke is the man to ask

Iā€™d be more inclined to pose the question to panty bliss or whatever the fuck he/she calls himself/herself/itself these days

Colm got himself into bother with the pc mob by using the term. Apparently itā€™s anti-gay. He apologised etc. He should have told them to shit in their hats, while informed them that gays arenā€™t any more likely to be sissies/cissies than straight people


The country is fucked

Itā€™s in a state of chassis

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