Twitter (Part 1)

We’ll have to gather all the head honchos around the table to sort it out

@StoneCold was right. We’ve got to leave the table jokes.
LEAVE THE TABLE!!!:joy::joy:

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Pretty sure thats an old photo mate. I dont even think thats really Brian Cody.

It definitely is.

Eddie Enright is flying in training


I’d murder a bottle of finches orange now if I had it

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I have no idea what non-binary or cis or any of that shite means … you’re either a man or a woman and who you shag is irrelevant.

Davy has Wexford in full training mode, under the protection of the county board. He’s some man.

I’d say they wished they kept quiet now.

That’s a horrendous opinion seemingly. Just ask JK Rowling

What do they expect, just because she’s locally famous she’s fair game for abuse. Same as the what’s app that went around few weeks ago was bad form

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Valerie is a ride.




Ewan being a contrarian needs to realise that he will get more attention from praising President Trump

Is Ewan getting bent out of shape over a parody account?


Uh oh

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Roderic O Gorman is the minister for children. He should be unimpeachable. Peter Tatchell campaigned for the lowering of age of consent to 14 in the UK back in the 90’s. He also wrote a letter to the guardian about relationships between adults and children. His background and views are well known in the public domain. It wasn’t just one photo. Green party and Roderic were hosting him and he marched under their banner. Just today Roderic is advocating that children under the age of 16 should be allowed change their gender. Children cant legally vote, drink, drive a car but are allowed to make a non reversible life changing decision which they may come to regret in years to come. Forgive me if I have reservations about this mans suitability to do the job.