Twitter (Part 1)

From his own website he states that;

ā€œ3. I agree that for the vast majority of children, sex with adults is neither wanted nor joyfulā€

Ergo one would assume he thinks for some it is. Isnā€™t that statement what the Ć½oung folk would call problematic?

He goes on to mention some friend of his who was shagging older men when he was 9. Peter thinks that it was fine because his friend looks back on the memory fondly.

He wants to lower the age of consent. He claims itā€™s because a 14 year old shouldnā€™t be criminalized for having sex with a 14 year old. Fine. I agree. But thereā€™s already romeo and Juliet laws that deal with this issue.

I also skimmed an interview he did with a 13 year old who was seeing a 23 year old. Discussing the chap shagging old men as a 9 year old. Disturbing stuff. He kept saying how normal and well adjusted the boy was. Basically saying look itā€™s done him no harm.

The stuff about that letter being edited sounds like bollix as well. He claims it was defending free speech in a book. Thatā€™s grand but the book was advocating that grown men shagging 8/9 year olds is fine because they do in papa new guinea. The whole I donā€™t condone adults having sex with kids thrown in at the end comes across as very disengenuos.

Hereā€™s his mealy mouthed defence ā€¦

From the same letterā€¦He got tricked in to writing a chapter for a paedophile advocacy book ā€¦

"The critics also cite the book, Betrayal of Youth, to which I contributed a chapter. I had no idea that it was involved in paedophilia advocacy when I was asked to write my essay. The book was published in about 1985 ā€“ three decades ago.

When I was invited to write a chapter in 1982, I was told it was a book about childrenā€™s welfare and rights. I was asked if I could write about the age of majority and age of consent. I was told that the other contributors were Ken Livingstone and child psychologists etc. It seemed an innocent and reasonable request at the time. But I was clearly tricked."

Right that clears that up so!!!

@Tank in defending paedo apologist shocker because a few looney lefties he aligns with said heā€™s A1 and a party he doesnā€™t like called him out for what he is.

If you canā€™t see through Tatchellā€™s attempt to rewrite history and gaslighting youā€™re a bigger dope than you sound.


The leftists are having a bad week of it, supporting child murderers and pedophile apologists.

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Tatchell could be dodgy but if O Gorman as he claims only met him briefly on one occasion then this he has no case to answer.

Oh but it said online that he was a paedo & the Minister For Children was an apologistā€¦

Can Oā€™Gorman not hide behind homophobia? This is a perfectly reasonable thing to question a minister over.

We had another minister dragged across the coals over serving a minor driving ban years ago.

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Quite how David Norris continues to get a free pass here is beyond me. Heā€™s a creep of the highest order.


I donā€™t think o gorman has much to answer for in this instance. FF FG Sinn fein etc have history of rubbing shoulders with unsavoury types in the past and being pictured with someone isnā€™t a crime. The more I read about tatchell the more of a creep he seems though.

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The Oirish are mesmerised by a posh accent. Itā€™s like the time the Brits ruled Ireland with two lads with posh accents and shillelagh sticks in Dublin Castle


Probably because heā€™s had a huge impact on equality for gay people in Ireland.

Heā€™s protected from on high.

Norris is a zionist ---- enough said.

@Mairegangaire knew

Iā€™ve been looking further into this Tatchell character. I think @enrique and @alf_stewart are probably right that heā€™s re-writing his past a bit. He has an obsession with the idea that some of his mates lost their virginity below the age of consent and turned out ok. He was going on about it for years, heā€™s learned to shut up about it now. Itā€™s weird shit.

On the other hand, heā€™s a big deal in the UK. He was a Labour for MP at one stage and has had his picture taken with plenty of people.

Peter Tatchell and Michael Foot

Peter Tatchell and Ken Livingstone

Peter Tatchell and Jeremy Corbyn
peter tatchell jeremy corbyn

Peter Tatchell and Ian McKellan

Peter Tatchell and The Cheeky Girls

Peter Tatchell says wanking might prevent coronavirus

You get the idea. I think targetting Roderick Oā€™Gorman is homophobic if youā€™re going to let these other lads off the hook. Check out GOD refusing to call Roderick Oā€™Gorman kissing his BF a real kiss.

You can just imagine what this John Connors talk is going to be like - all the filthy degenerates at the Gay Pride Parade, a parade for paedophiles and freaks, they wonā€™t stop until weā€™ve all been dragged down to their level, etc.

I think thereā€™s a lot of sanctimonious cunts going after Barry Cowen this week as well and the country is losing a bit of what makes it nice.

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Imagine a Traveller having homophobic tendencies.

He looks like a right weirdo.


With the likes of Norris and Thatchell there must be some element of them growing up in a repressive society but then finding themselves as heroes amongst academics and the likes. They missed out on normal teenage life really and you hang onto that.

They end up going down rabbit holes of what society was like thousands of years ago and getting themselves into trouble. Thereā€™s always a certain freedom to say what you like in those environments and thatā€™ll be accentuated by growing up in a repressed environment and now having that kind of freedom.

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Whatā€™s that got to do with anything, seriously??

What are you getting at?