Twitter (Part 1)

That Tatchell lad is an odious creep and that has nothing to do with the fact he is gay. He seems to claim his letter to the guardian was edited though so thatā€™s fine according to his defenders on Twitter. Never mind his views are quite clear on the matter.


Didnā€™t Norris have something similar a few years ago and it came out when he was running for president?

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Sounds familiar alright, something about age of consent in Ancient Greece

Which reminds me of one of the most annoying things in the world is when Senator Norris (when discussing Joyce) puts on his inner city accent

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On this score he told ā€˜Magillā€™: ā€œBut in terms of classic paedophilia, as practised by the Greeks for example, where it is an older man introducing a younger man or boy to adult life, I think that there can be something to be said for it.ā€

Good post, the David Norris thing was very serious as well back in the day.

Attacking John Connors is completely missing the point. ROG has to explain about what happened. If the ā€œonly met him once storyā€ is a lie then heā€™s already compromised as minister and should resign. Same lads defending this lie are probably (rightly) shitting all over Barry Cowen.

I was thinking about the Norris thing last night. Iā€™ve a gay friend who lost his virginity very young (in transition year) to an older man, a chemistry teacher from Belfast who used to drive down to Monaghan for the dogging scene. My friend would never say he was damaged or exploited and has no ill feelings but eventually years later he got big into the Glasgow chemsex scene, even to the stage where he was organising chemsex weekends himself, probably coining a bit on the side from it on the side. I wonder could his life have gone a bit differently. Like, if losing your virginity a bit older is OK for straight people could it not be OK for gays as well.

But really what I was thinking last night was the fucking state of Norris, fucking gabby cunt, announcing to the world that found the idea of sexy between an older man and a teenager erotic. What the fuck does it matter if Norris finds it erotic or not? And once you go down the road of ā€œI find this eroticā€ the risk of the kid getting damaged or exploited will inevitably be brushed aside.

The other thing Iā€™d say inagine if that was your young lad.


The country is being run by others and not who it is they say are running it if this person is allowed maintain his appointed new role in government. This revelation shakes the new government to the core. Michael Martin had better put this right fast.

I always used to think a nutmeg meant collecting it also on the other side. But Iā€™ll allow it on this occasion.

Thatā€™s bloody bullying.

You know nothing about training children.
You need to bring them down a peg or two every so often. Nothing worse than a confident child.

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Irish Freedom Party - yet John screams racism whenever someone questions the bad side of his community

An old secondary teacher of mine would chide us almost on a daily basis, saying

ā€˜I wish I knew now, what I thought I knew when I was your ageā€™

Smart man. Naturally none of us appreciated it at all at the time.

Heā€™s joining a party there who will fight for the rights of all Travellers, smart move by John.

Education is the key

Of John?

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ā€œMiguelā€ is some bellend.

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Peter Tatchell was on The Last Word with Matt Cooper this evening. Heā€™s a regular contributor to that show. He came across to me as very convincing. He said that when he was talking about the age of consent he meant that two 14 or two 15 year olds that have sex shouldnā€™t be criminalised and he didnā€™t mean adults should be allowed with 14 or 15 years olds. He said the far-right online were after him for years because he was a gay man working for gay rights and they were deliberately misrepresenting him. He came across as a much straighter talker than John Connors or GOD or the like. Overall, Iā€™d believe him based on what I heard.

Roderick Oā€™Gorman also gave a statement saying that he only met Tatchell the once.

Tatchell is a big deal in the UK, even if Iā€™ve never heard of him before. Heā€™s supposed to have turned down the offer of a peerage in the House of Lords. His wikipedia page is massive, which is what really matters. Heā€™s been given honorary doctorates and human rights awards. There were 1000s of people at Dublin Gay Pride Day and there are loads of people in all the photos Iā€™ve seen.

The letter to the Guardian was a bit mad and obviously misjudged but Tatchell says it was edited and he also says that it was in response to an attempt to shut down academic debate which is why the letter talks about anthropologists and Papua New Guinea. The letter also says that paedophilia cannot be condoned.

You were right to raise the issue because the allegation is so serious. You were right as well when you said Oā€™Gorman should be above reproach.

But now Iā€™ve looked into it, based on Oā€™Gorman having met the guy once at a big march and based on Tatchell probably not being a paedophile apologist anyway, it looks to me like Oā€™Gorman has done nothing wrong and John Connors and the Irish Freedom Party are an unmerciful pack of cunts.

Heā€™s a proper thug and a liar. He is evangelical about outing gay men because he has decided itā€™s their duty to be out, and that tripe about two fourteen year olds is a canard. Himself and his cronies know perfectly well that older men and kids is par for the courseā€¦the narrative is that it happened to them and it didnā€™t do them any harm.

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