Twitter (Part 1)

Are these the same lads who were doxxing TFK users?

It must be them.


No mention of @realDonaldTrump getting stitched up. He’s keeping very quiet in all this.

This is some lad living in grand canal dock half cut after a few dodgy pints and a toasted sandwich

SigRed @TreatyStones

Can we get these lads in to confirm if @Mac, @backinatracksuit and me have a PM group for discussing @BruidheanChaorthainn

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UK Uturn on Huwaei surely has nothing to do with this

By god

Sids gone a bit overboard here in fairness


TFK will be ground zero when the dust finally settles

Great chance for @Locke to restart the golf forum


The lads got their 118k USD and ran.

They got a lot more than that

How so?

Info =$$$$


They’ll have a tough job to wash that 118k worth of Bitcoin.

Convert to monero, back to BTC , job done no?

You’d need to be verified on an exchange to convert it.

If they bought all the FunFair on the exchanges i’d make a few quid myself :slight_smile:

If they managed this hack, think they’ll have solutions