Twitter (Part 1)

But sure didnā€™t they have to give 236k back?



Thereā€™s no refunds to when it comes to Crypto.

When the money has left your wallet itā€™s gone.

Canā€™t imagine the likes of Bill Gates sending many DMs. Elon Musk could have sent anything when stoned though

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This would be a genius double bluff. Maybe Elon just wanted a few extra quid

These are exactly the type of schemes they come with at Davos.

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One interesting angle is suppose they had decided not to make a quick buck and instead inflame racial tensions in the US. Things could have gotten very messy very quickly.

Note to self, focus on Apple and Obama next time.

The nukes have been launched. You have 20 minutes to evacuate Beijing.

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What gutless wonder flagged the above post? Come out and be a man ffsā€¦

No one flagged it? ā€” thatā€™s what you get with the lefty head bangers - cowards to a man.

An odd flagging there alright.

If one followed the conversation you can see whatā€™s what ā€” bizarre censorship

Get used to it

Is the INTERNET over?

Clearly you didnā€™t use enough Astricks.

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@blakesdad2 would make a decent TFK poster.

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If it wasnā€™t for Twitter youā€™d never meet people like plant papa and brian

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Heā€™d be great on the Flower Arranging thread anyway.

This gimp needs to gauge public opinion before he will give his own.