Twitter (Part 1)

Luis jogging


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Finnon has a forehead like a drive in movie theater

Ned has never heard of tfk


Give it time, someone will tweet him in due course


John Oā€™Connor seems a really nice guy.


Some kind of weird journo feud in progress just now

Headshot from Barry.

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I enjoy a twitter spat between journalists

Always funny to see what a great opinion they have if themselves

When I listened to football weekly ā€œBazā€ seemed a real pompous sort, who finds himself hilarious

When will Miguel arrive on the scene


Hes made some show of himself, againā€¦ :joy:

Quite the about turn in a weekā€¦

I believe that is the whole point, heā€™s discovered some home truths, admitted that he was wrong, apologised and begged forgiveness. An alien concept on TFK but admirable in the real world which is where he lives


Thatā€™ll be enough of him now.

Heā€™s a good speaker at something like that in fairness to him. It is a fairly massive about turn. If he said anything he was going to get sued for an apology would hardly make any difference would it?

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I think the views John gave last week do not make for a good career in Irish acting circles .

fair fucks to him for apologising. He made a right cunt of himself but at least was man enough to accept he fucked up and admitted it. It wasnt a usual wishy washy apology where he says sorry if I offended anyone, he explicitly apologises and said he was wrong. Just a pity he couldnt recognise how much of a cunt he was being a couple of weeks back when he was writing all his shite online, or when all the homophobic groups were asking him to talk etc, bit too late realising, but sure at least he got there.


They definitely donā€™t but he was 100pc aware of that the whole way through people were constantly saying it to him on twitter.

Rod has accepted the apology

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Reading through some of the responses on his twitter are hilarious. All the fucking nutjob hardcore religious nuts going mad that he has apologised and that ā€œsomeone got to himā€ and he doesnt care about all the children anymore. That a paedophile is now in the government and its disgraceful that paedophilia is being accepted. With not one ounce of hypocrisy on their part over the church and child abuse scandals that they still worship at.

A response from a hysterical one too about ā€œbeing terrifed of things being said about Oā€™Gormanā€. When asked what is being said that terrified her, she said he tweeted ā€œmmm map pornā€ and it had to be explained to her that it was in reference to his likes of maps. Although I probably would be terrified too if I heard someone be excited about map porn, however I doubt Iā€™d fear for my childs life over it.

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