Twitter (Part 1)

MAP = minor attracted person = a paedophile.

Map is paedophile code for paedophiles and every time someone you donā€™t like online mentions map porn or using Google Maps theyā€™re searching for childporn online. Itā€™s very disturbing that youā€™re a teacher and you donā€™t know this.

This was probably my favourite anti-Roderick meme:

The painting is Saturn Devouring His Son by Goya. Itā€™s hanging in the Prada in Madrid and around this time last year I went to see it. One of the greatest and most famous paintings in the world in one of the greatest galleries in the world. They keep it fairly close to the famous Hierenamos Bosch paintings IIRC. I highly recommend you all go to the Prada in Madrid. Itā€™s as good as the Louvre except you can get to see the paintings because there are no Americans and Japanese standing in front of all the paintings. I like Barcelona but Madrid is a much better dity for a weekend (although no beach).

So a while ago there was a twitter trend of recreating famous paintings in your own home during the lockdown. This trend was started by me and my mates years ago but we never got a word of credit for it, not fair. ROD gave this one a like so heā€™s a paedophile.

The thought of these cultureless fucking gimps at describing one of the most famous paintings in art history as ā€œan image of a figure eating what appears to be a human infantā€ just fucking cracks me up. This is what happens when you spend your entire life online reading conspiracy theories instead of never learning anything about the real world, real history, real culture.

Actually, I have to start reading the, it would crack me up. It looks like 100% poison.

@GMAN a teacher?!

Thats a good one :smiley:

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Ah he just acts like a teacher, talks like one.

Thereā€™s only the one teacher on here, and thats @fenwaypark


Stephen Jones is an insufferable cunt


I have little doubt he issued a grovelling apology in the face of a libel suit, which is ironic or something.

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I love that Goya painting

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Roderic O Gorman has graciously accepted the apology and wished John the best and is happy to move on. Maybe some angry lads around here should consider doing the same.


Thatā€™s not the TFK way.

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Isnā€™t @Gman thre forums premier Quantity Surveyor

Its gas how some lads on here canā€™t move on alright.

Especially when it comes to anything traveller related

Ah yeah. But on a lot of things, politics, sport, politics, politics, politics.

Yeah and the likes of John Doyle, Diarmuid Connolly, Ciaran Whelan and did I mention travellers?

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You seem to keep mentioning them alright, have you a problem with them?

None whatsoever

Iā€™m sure itā€™s yourself and @fran vying for that coveted title, Iā€™m a little fish, so I am.

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Ah thats good. Youā€™re a good man.

Fairly strange that heā€™d be so outraged by something heā€™d feel strongly enough to organise and host a rally only to do a complete about turn a week later all the sameā€¦

Presumably in order to feel that strongly about something he gave it due though and armed himself with sufficient information for him to decide to arrange the protest in the first place?

Itā€™s actually @Mullach_Ide