Twitter (Part 1)

Imagine being mugged off by a lepjack like Casey


Why would he pretend not to know what direct provision is, when clearly he did?

Anyway who gives a fuck.

All dissenting voices are banned now.

Casey died 6 months ago and he still has the wokeists hopping like fish in a sauce barrel

To put her on the back foot and dodge her questions, it was a private conversation, obvious

I have no time for her, find her annoying, but Iā€™m confident that if one of them is a barefaced liar itā€™s him

Well he is certainly no shrinking violet and has gone into relative obscurity now but I think on this one Jennifer twoface seemed to be the one telling porkies. He was interviewed on the very topic before their paths crossed.

She clearly is too, for whatever reason šŸ¤·

It either happened or it didnā€™t, nobody knows for sure bar the two who were there, itā€™s such a strange conversation to make up, I can see his reasoning for lying and for saying what she said he did, I canā€™t really see hers

Seriously? Iā€™m not sure if you remember it correctly. They both appeared as guests on the late late but not together. She tweeted about it afterwards cos she didnt like him. He called it out as a complete lie and then the evidence was pointed out. He wasnt dodging her questions cos she wasnt questioning him. She just made something up and tweeted away and was caught out.
Nobody in their right mind would want him to represent Ireland but she was the liar there.


I was talking about her tweets above.

There was no ā€˜evidenceā€™
It was a private conversation that they had

Okā€¦ his account was supported by a recording of a previous interview on the subject though. Hers didnt make sense at all.
Iā€™m just surprised at your take on it I suppose. Weā€™ll leave it there if you like. Cant see either of us changing opinion.


You canā€™t imagine a situation where anybody would feign ignorance on a topic to avoid having to comment??
Iā€™m quite surprised myself

Jennifer is evidently from Cork. How did I miss this?

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She was caught lying, you donā€™t have to defend every media bint to keep your moral purity

Have I form here? I canā€™t remember any time I defended a ā€˜media bintā€™, remind me.

There was two people party to the conversation, if I was forced to choose who to believe it wouldnā€™t be him.
She wasnā€™t caught out lying though, he denied saying it, the fact that he has spoken about it in an interview doesnā€™t mean he didnā€™t deny knowledge to her, Iā€™ve given my reasons, donā€™t ask me to repeat. Can you not imagine anybody ever feigning ignorance of something that they donā€™t want to talk about?

Peter Casey is a tool of the highest order, but she was clearly lying here. She tweeted it out, he responded and there was proof he did know about direct provision. She then didnā€™t tweet for days after and just ignored all comments about it. People lie, for whatever stupid reasons they may have.


Ah no, surely not? Are the wagons being circled even here?!


So she never defended herself when she was called a liar?
I donā€™t recall it in much detail, if thatā€™s the case I may reconsider, have you anything that would support that?

Like she did when questioned about her lies :grin:

Even with another clear-cut example from today of her telling porkies, he will not have his faith in Zamps shaken. Thatā€™s Carkness.